Ch. 6 : Stormy Night

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[Angela's P.O.V.]

Everything was different after that. My evening was filled with silence where only the drops of rain dared to make noise. Dinner was forceful. I had no appetite. My mood was down. The whole time, I avoided his stares. Though, I tried to hide whatever feeling is inside me and pretend that I'm okay in front of everyone, Bora unnie doesn't seem to be someone who could be fooled that easily.

She knows that something happened. Her eyes were questioning from across the table but I dared not open up. Instead, I finished dinner quickly and excused myself to my room. Just leaving them with only a half-meant truth of I'm not feeling well right now.

From my room, I sat right beside the large beveled window solemnly dazing outside – my arms hugging my legs tightly.

"Coz I like you"


"He likes you."


"I won't hurt you."

"Lies." This phrase was only a part of a dream that will never be true. You already did.

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want." 

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want." 

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want." 

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want."

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want."

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want." 

. . . . ."I always get the things that I want." That angelic voice blurting out devilish nonsense that keeps on echoing over and over inside of me – never-ending within.

"Angelor so I thought. "He's no Angel."


*Knock Knock*

"Anj?" It was his sister, Bora unnie. I just gave her a half-hearted smile and returned my gaze back outside. Her soft footsteps echoed through the entire room. "What happened? Is something wrong?" She said as she sat in front of me.

What happened?

Is something wrong?

Her words served like it was a trigger. I knew what I did was embarrassing but I just have to let it out. I threw myself into her arms and hugged her tight. My tears pouring hard like the storm outside.

I told her everything.

I know that we only met a while ago and we're not that close yet but she was the only person I have right now. It may look like that I was only using her as an outlet for my stirred up emotions but I have no other choice. Her warm embrace was security for me. Her voice hushing me from crying and hands softly patting my back was like a slow beating sad song that only tempted me to cry even more. "Shhhhh. It's okay. It's going to be okay."

[Yoon Bora's P.O.V. That boy. REALLY. I told him to be more FORWARD but who knew that he would go to the extremes?] 


[Kyungsoo's P.O.V.]

Dinner. I wore a poker face like nothing ever happened. She had those despondent looks averting mine every time it crosses path. Same as her, I had no appetite. Only God knows where I took the courage to face her that time. 

Now, I could hear her cry. Crying as if the storm outside was just a simple afternoon drizzle. My unconscious steps led me here, in front of her bedroom. I was there standing still hearing every whine she could make at my sister, relieving herself as to now she refers to as the worst day of her life.

My fists were clenching tightly. I was angry not because I'm not used to not getting what I want but because she was crying. She was crying with me as the main reason behind it. I was angry at myself. 

It was me. I hurt her.


I took the responsibility of bringing her clothes into her room. I tried knocking several times but no one dared open the door. So I took the liberty of peaking and just as I assumed, she was sleeping.

Her graceless sleeping position drew a smile on my face. I was sure that she was throwing herself all around the bed while asleep. Half of the blanket was kicked down onto the floor, one of her arms dangling along the edges, both of her legs apart covering the vicinity of the queen-sized bed with one crooked sideways, and that smile plastered on her face, letting me know that she was having a peaceful dream. She looked like a dead body found in those crime scenes.

As for me, I was awkwardly smiling alone in a room with a giggling dead body right in front of me. Weird but cute. Eh? What the heck am I thinking!? I just rolled my eyes disregarding that insanely thought. 

So I picked up the blanket properly tucked her in, placed her clothes on the lower right corner of the bed making sure that her movements won't reach where it was. But my actions did not let me stop there. I went near her and sat on the edge, gently placed my hand on her forehead and allowed my fingers to play with her hair. I was neatly combing it sideways, unconsciously smiling once again as I watch her sleep.

"I'll never hurt you." 


I quickly stood back up when I heard her speak. Could it be that she heard what I said? Nah. Impossible. Most probably, she's just sleep-talking. Yeah, but why my name?

Could it be that she was dreaming about me? Oh snap!

I hurriedly led myself out of the room when I notice her body moving. That was close. My heart was thumping really fast, such adrenaline coursing through my veins, both my cheeks flushing red. I was gasping for air as I rest my back against the door.

A few minutes later, I regained back my composure and consciousness of the situation. I took a deep breath and called out to her. "Angela?"



"Baby Donut?" I was ceased from my thoughts when I heard Hyorin noona's voice calling out to me. I did not respond back, instead I turned back and slowly headed to my room.

[Author's P.O.V.]

Angela's tears momentarily stopped after a few minutes when Kyungsoo decided to head back his room. Due to loss of strength, she passed out under Bora's comfort. Somehow relieved of the pain she had received that very day.

Bora somewhat felt a bit of guilt. It was her idea for him to be more forward and take actions out of the ordinary. All she could do is comfort her and help her ease the pain inside. She never left her side that night.

Kyungsoo on the other hand locked himself in his room. Eyes closed but completely distant from his normal self.

Hyorin who was left standing by the staircase drooped down and stayed still for a few minutes, guilt overflowing in her being. "It's my fault." She mumbled in the silent hallway.

That stormy night sympathized with everyone's stirred up emotions; sadness, guilt, anger. Where will everything lead them? What was once bright turned dim.


Hey hey ^^ ahahaha. . .

Summer Training's done..can finally focus with the stories XD



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