Ch. 30 : Game called Love

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A/N: Hello again~ Sorry for the lateness of the UDs. I'll try to make it up to you guys.

What's been happening?

Well, in the past chapters, Kyungsoo in a way opened up and tried putting some more efforts in showing how he really feels, making Angela reconsider and come to realize that maybe, just maybe, she's falling for him too.

As the sun sets for another day, an angel that had worn too many facades opted to take the mask off for a while and confess all the things he wanted to but never could say. Kai swore to protect her no matter what the circumstances would be, he promised, in her sleep; an unrequited love that only hopes to be seen as how he was during that day and not the one in the future to come. 

But just as when the secret was simply vanishing into dusts in the wind, it surfaced once again.

Juniel heard it loud and clear. And Sehun only made it clearer. Everything was a game. Everything was a lie made to be the truth. Yet, no matter how he tried clearing things up, it only made all of it more unclear.

Let's stop this, she says. 

Now, everyone knows, only Angela left not knowing.

Who is who? When everyone is tied up in their own reasons and circumstances, which one of them will come out to be the truth? And after that, after everything has been unveiled in front of her, how will Angela try to cope up in the situation she never wished to be in?

Tune in to find out.


Who knew that the moon would shine tonight? And, who knew that the stars would shine as bright?

Out in the reverie on a window the chilly wind blows and one soul billows along with it, staring across that not so dark firmament up above - mindlessly connecting the stars.

Being alone at times sure does help remember those of what was and what is. Angela knows this is no different. Inside her room with only herself and the faint shadow that rests upon the floor, she gazes upon the endless nothingness that she considers as an extension of her everything. The glint of dots that plasters in the night sky always seems the way it had always been, but no, not tonight. It feels just a little bit more than the others before.

"Papa, it's been a while, right?" She coos, reminiscing.

"Don't worry. I'm fine, as always. You?"

She expects no answers in return. At the time, all that she wanted to do was say his name and repeat them over and over just as it was back then. It may have taken a while, but her voice calling for him never became so distant. The way it sounds, the way her mouth forms the word, even the crescent smile at the corner of her lips, all of it, they were exactly as when he was still alive.

"Remember that time, when I asked if angels do know how to mend a broken heart?" Maybemaybe not, but most probably, his answer would be a yesHe would never forget.

Because the way she tells the story now, the way red flushes in her cheeks and how the fluffiness rumbles from the inside and up, certainly depicts that she's got an answer deep in her mind. Does she even need to count the reasons why? Eventually, her ones and firsts will turn into twenty and after that, who knows when the counting will stop. For a plethora of this and that, some platonic and some not, all that matters right now is this and that, nothing else.

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