Ch. 3 : Oh Life!!

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You're my only one way~

Ojing neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae~

You're the only one babe~

Himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae ~

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven~

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven~

Uri hamkkeramyeon we will never cry never never cry~

I sang in the silence of my room as I lay in bed, looking at the clear white ceiling. It seems I'm home alone again. There was nothing to be depressed about. I'm used to this kind of scenario ever since dad died. Mom has to work day and night in order to supply me of my needs.

Thank you, Mom. I cooed in my thoughts, still lucky to have a caring mother by my side.

"Cause, I like you…" His words hit me like an over-speeding train. The feeling was pure heavenly. No one ever dared to be that straight forward with me when it comes to their feelings. Shoot! Stop blushing Angela!"

Then, there was also that time when he caught me. "Are you an Angel?" It was such a stupid thing to say. But then again, he really did resemble the descriptions my dad kept telling me in his stories when I was young.


"Oh!? Why is my little Angela crying?" My dad asked as he wiped away the tears in my cheeks with his big callous hands. 

"They didn't believe me when I told them your stories that Angels are real. The kids in the playground teased me, Papa.."

"Shh…Hush now, darling." He said, embracing me with his long slender arms. 

"Papa, what do they look like?" I asked, slowly tilting my head to look at my dad.

"Who?" He said as if he doesn't know what I was talking about, eyes playing confused to whom I was referring to.

"The Angels, silly~" My dad's childish acts never failed to make me smile, making me feel much more comfortable as he lifted me up for me to sit on his lap. 

"Well...hmm… First, all angels are supposed to be good-looking. We wouldn't want them to look scary in front of you, right?" My big innocent eyes were focused on him as my curiosity is still in its prime. This was the first time I'm hearing this so I've got to listen very well.  

"Beautiful eyes. Beautiful nose. Beautiful ears. Beautiful lips. Everything is beautiful." He continued describing them, enthusiastically.

"Then…every Angel needs a beautiful pair of wings – Big Pretty White Wings!" Words alone were not enough for him to describe it to me so he used both of his arms to show how big and wide their wings were supposed to be.

"Really!? Really!? WOW!" I replied, enjoying his description of how Angel's looked like.

"Would Daddy lie to you? Hmpft…" He said, sulking because he thought I didn't believe him.

We enjoyed the whole day running around the house pretending that we are Angels as well. Fun times…

[End of Flashback]

1, 2, 3, 4~

Do you wanna? chic-a-taa! 

Ije wake up wake up wake up wake wake up~ 

Wake up wake up wake up wake wake up~ 

Just wake up wake up wake up wake wake up~

It was a bright morning the next day.

Ije wake up wake up wake up wake wake up~ ~ ~

As I was happily fixing myself into my uniform, I noticed that mom got home late and went out again early in the morning, leaving me breakfast on the table with a note left attached to it.

Angela, dear, Mom won't be back 'til late this evening. I left your allowance on the table next to your breakfast. Be good, okay? Bring your umbrella with you, they say it's going to rain hard today. 

I love you always.

Mom <3

"I love you too, Mom. Take care." 


The walk to school was very pleasant, still no sign of any rain clouds so far. I was sight-seeing along the neighborhood as I make my way. It was my second day. Just having that thought made me sigh deeply. A lot had happened yesterday and I was practically hoping that today would be different.

My morning started out to be so peaceful not until I reached our classroom. Despite the fiercely glares of some of my girl classmates, I happily greeted them a good morning. Some warmly greeted me back but it seemed like the kiss incident yesterday was still fresh from their minds.

"I guess I'll be alone today as well."

There were a few minutes left before class starts, so I just stared blankly out the window, looking at the bright sunny sky. The sun's light beaming on me felt warm, it was refreshing.

When suddenly a burst of cheerful screams broke out of nowhere, He has come. 

"Goodmorning Dyo~!"

"Hi, Kyungsoo oppa~"

"Annyeong Oppa~!"

His only replies were his cute smile.

Now, I know why. He was Mr. Popular for heaven’s sake! That's why they were mad, because the new simple transferee girl shows up at the front door of their room with Kyungsoo kissing her. Aish! Great, just great. I sarcastically thought.

When I caught him with his eyes looking towards me, I immediately averted mine back to the window, out in the once blue sky? "What the!? It was still bright a while ago!" I kept on mumbling to myself. The once sunny sky earlier was now a dark gloomy and cloudy sky.

"Looks like it's going to rain." I was right. It was his damn beautiful voice I heard. The moment my head turned towards to where it came from, Kyungsoo was now seated right in front of me, with his chin resting on both of his arms, beaming a confident devilish smirk that seemed to have been perfected over the years.

Once again, I can feel people stabbing behind my back with their looks. I can sense something bad was about to happen before this day end. Trust me, my gut feelings never went wrong when it came to stuffs like this.  


> _ < I hope your liking what I'm putting here so far.

ahahaha..Still low response from readers. . but I gotta write what I want to write. ^ _ ^

To those who are reading and will be reading. . Have fun!


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