Ch. 12 : Say ahhh~

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"Umm…T-thanks, Baek…" I was stuttering with every word coming out of my mouth. DAMN! What's happening with me?! I don't know why… but… his simple actions seem to really have a great impact on me.

*Dugeun Dugeun* My heart was literally fluctuating all over the place right now. No. No. NO! This is BAD. I thought as I blankly stare onto his sweet smile, taking a few steps back.

"Kwaenchana?" Feeling the prone part of his hand touching my forehead made me snap out of my dazing. He's right in front of me again. Shoot!

Sitting still as a rock, all I could do was nod my head in agreement and do nothing more.

"Are you sure?" Baek asked me again, in a more concerned tone. "Your hot, and your face is all red, Angela. Do you have a fever?"

Hot!? Did he just say that I'm HOT!?

Snap out of it, Angela. SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Mmm." I removed his hand from my forehead as I regain my composure. Having relieved of his worries, Baek simply beamed me a smile and so did I. We were like that for a few seconds or so, returning sweet shy smiles back and forth as he went back to the counter to order another one of their mouthwatering Chocolate Ice cream. 

I could never get tired looking at that sweet smile. I thought.

"You're making it too obvious, you know." Said again by a certain deep voiced man muttering his thoughts from the side, was he pertaining to me!? OBVIOUS!? This derp is really asking for it! WHY YOU!

I was ready to give him a quick jab on the guts but then… 

… something looked strange about him.

It was very clear what he said. I know I heard him right but the moment I turned to his direction, I saw him looking from afar. Spacing out maybe? No, he was keenly observing something outside of the shop.

My gaze followed his but there was really nothing there. What was he staring at?


His facial expression did not escape me. Eyebrows slightly creased, eyes that were darting looks of confidence and that angst smirk plastered on his face.

"Chan?" As if nothing happened he immediately returned to his usual self. The happy playful DERP Virus he is. "Hmmmm?"

Asking him about it would only put me in an awkward position. It could be one of those personal matters about him that has no relation towards me. So, I just shook my head as my response.


"There you go. One DELUXE Choco Chip Banana Split Ice Cream." Baek was back. Deluxe? Does he really need to put emphasis on the word DELUXE? 

Yep, I was practically drooling over the entire thing. 

Baek placed the platter right in front of me. Kyah! It was a heavenly sight. Well, there were three large scoops of Chocolate Ice cream topped with Choco chip kisses, drizzled with an abundant amount of Chocolate syrup, all sitting in a beautiful glass Chinaware. What could get more beautiful?

Me, eating it. Haha~

"Stop drooling over it, Angela." He never ceased to irritate me. Trust me, one of these days this Tower is going get some from me.

Must resist the urge to kill him! I don't want any drop of blood anywhere near my SWEETIE~

"But seriously, you're gonna eat all of that?" Chanyeol asked, AGAIN. I only nodded in a blissful manner. No use arguing against that Derp-Head. It would only result in me losing my appetite. And I don’t want that to happen…

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