Ch. 53 : Sehun, The Wind

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A/N: Another update. Like I said, I’ve been writing little by little in my free spare time just to create a spam of updates this end of the month. Thank you again for the support~

Hi as well my mobile readers! I’ve found some new type of love for you XDD Since some of you messaged me privately and told me how you loved the story so far. THANKS AGAIN!

I’ll try my best to make it better and have an ending that will surely be able to not disappoint you. <@_@


“Noo~na~” Sehun sweetly coos in their short distance on the couch, trying to be cute as best as he could, but Juniel only pouts at the call, ignoring Sehun also at her best.


“Noo~naaa~” He calls her for one more round, unsatisfied as his definitely sure-ball cute act was utterly ignored. This time around, he pokes her cheeks as he keeps repeating the word ‘Noona’ next to her ears.


Still, Juniel only swats Sehun’s cuteness with her right hand pushing his face away.


“Noona neomu yeppeo~ Michyeo~ Replay~ Replay~ Replay~” They say ‘third time’s the charm’, but Sehun gradually finds it to be utterly, disastrously, epically, wrong. For the third time, his cute efforts failed but unlike before, he wasn’t ignored though Juniel’s reaction still looked the least of what he expected her to have.


“Aish, what’s with the Noona all of a sudden, Sehunnie? You’re not really trying to make me sound old, right?” She says in a slight frustrated tone, with a hint of impending doom right at the corner of her lips.


Sehun smiles, “Nothing.” before he locks her around his strong arms, securing Juniel inside that side hug as they sit and continue their soon to be sweet moment in Sehun’s mind. “I just wanted to see how it feels to call you Noona.”


“And how’d your experiment go, big boy?” Juniel asks, also locking Sehun around her arms, over his neck.


As cute as Sehun was trying to be a few minutes back was how he is as manly right now. Them sitting close, comfortable around the arms of one another, Sehun leans closer and Juniel just stays still, looking directly at his eyes and with a smile, anticipates what the younger will do next.


Their lips were only inches away and Sehun still hasn’t answered back. Instead, he focuses his eyes in the every detail of Juniel’s face right in front of him. He leans in a bit more closer and gently, lovingly rubs his nose with hers, eyes closed like he was trying to find a certain feeling that only she could make him feel. Once it was done, he opens his eyes and looks at her more lovingly than he ever could. “It doesn’t feel right. No matter how many times I say it, my mouth could never get use to calling you by that name and I hope I’ll never do. Because – I’d like to call you Mine until Forever ends.”


Juniel blushes as Sehun seals his words with a kiss.


Sehun could still remember them like it only happened yesterday. Saturdays were their Movie nights and everyday turns out to be like their sweet Saturdays when there’s really nothing to do. Sehun misses the long overnight cuddles, the cute meek exhales Juniel makes when she falls asleep because they sound like music to his ears, or the plain nothingness he keeps being fond of because all the reason he has was Juniel and Juniel herself. He couldn’t ask for more and he wouldn’t ask for anything else but be with her and be simply happy with it.

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