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They had all left Nicky back at the base to keep the hall-bots from roaming and to help mend the base's structural walls, the last thing they wanted was for other branches of the dark world to attack in their weakest moment.

But Harold got a quick crash course about Nicky's little explosives before leaving.

The button gave off a small click and a loud bag echoed somewhere on the other side of the library.

Several explosives were attached to one of the supporting columns within the distraction provided by A Travellers.

The explosive aftermath that followed shattered everybody's ear drums and threw the Angels off guard to the side.

Ariella turned to look where the explosion came from and watched the columns and bookcases in the library get knocked over like dominos. The walls were crumbling from the sudden structure failure and soon the ground was copying.

Harold pushed himself up and smiled. "As Nicky would say," He stood up and winked, "Yeah, baby Ka-boom!" Harold stepped off the railing and practically plummeted down to the ground floor.

Literally seconds after him, Goldie was thrown by Jesse and slammed into Ariella. He clawed at her trying to unlatch Kid from her.

Ariella was struggling to stay in the air with Goldie latching onto one of her arms and trying to keep a grip on Kid. Goldie's strength was greater than hers, and Kid was eventually dropped from her grip and sent falling.

Kid yelled in fright as she fell while Goldie pushed himself off of Ariella to fall after Kid.

Ariella was pushed upwards in shock of the young man's strength. Looking down, she watched as Goldie dived down to catch up to Kid.

Kid was being forced to flip and spin. Her body was already sore, burning with more pain when the falling forced her to flip.

Goldie's hands gripped onto Kid and pulled her to his body. Kid didn't object as she buried her face in his warm chest and clung onto him desperately. Goldie could see the ground approaching him, he forced himself to flip over and continued shooting to the ground. Ariella continued to dive after them and was slowly gaining ground on them.

Mary suddenly launched forwards and leaned over the dividers, her whole body stretched out as far as she could go. She reached her hands out to catch Goldie.

The sudden force she received from Goldie's weight stretched Mary's hand and arm, making her yell out in effort, as she used his weight to pull Goldie and Kid up and practically throw them onto the floor while Ariella continued to shoot further down to the floor below.

Mary felt like her arm had been popped as she rolled her shoulder and flexed her hand.

Goldie held onto Kid tightly. She trembled in his grip, but slowly managed to stop. Goldie was now trembling on his own as he tried to compose himself enough to breath normally. He slowly loosened his hold to look at Kid. She seemed to have passed out again.

Harold helped Goldie up, and Goldie kept his hold on Kid. He slowly balanced Kid on her feet, but her legs were giving out on her, she couldn't stand on her own.

Harold took her from Goldie and rested her little form on his hip.

Charms and Cameron raced down the stairs and stood among the other agents. "Did we get Kid back?" Charms asked as she approached. She saw Kid resting her head on Kid's shoulder. They each sigh in relief at the sight of her.

But suddenly, there was a yell and growl that echoed off the walls.

Everybody looked up, several Angels had started flying about, some collecting books and others holding weapons. But they were occupied by Jesse as he leaped like a dog from one to the next, and scratching at anybody he managed to catch onto.

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