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Neon was still attempting to run to the window, "Let me go! We need to get Kid! We need to get Kid!" he yelled as he tried to push past Jason, "she'll die if we don't do something!" he snapped.

Jason held onto him tightly, "Neon... Neon!" Neon managed to stop struggling when Jason obviously wasn't budging. "Kid is not dead!" he snapped, "think carefully, would Kid really jump out of an airship while we're potentially flying over her home without some sort of plan," Jason snapped, "she's a smart little girl, she wouldn't just go and do something stupid like that."

The window behind him mended itself and blocked all the wind from attacking the inside. Jason allowed Neon to run to the window and look out. Neon was a little surprised how momentarily scared he was since she had potentially killed herself. But at the same moment, he also found her the most dense and stupid person in the whole world for jumping out of a freaking airship!

"She obviously knows something we don't," Harold stated.

The Professor and the doctor were inspecting Charms, who seemed to have stopped fitting, but laid on the ground in an exhausted coma. Her arms or legs twitched. Cameron rested her head on his lap, "what happened to Charms?" Kimberly asked floating above her, Charms' face was twitching.

"Charms has epilepsy," Cameron informed.

"Why did she go into a fit?" Mary asked kneeling down beside her.

"Probably the same reason you, Jason and Harold gained headaches," the Professor stated as he took out an odd little device.

The doctor was making sure Charms was okay, "she'll be fine," he assured to Cameron. Cameron didn't look terribly worried, but at the same he didn't look completely calm about it either. His hands were softly brushing her hair even.

"It may have been the waves that disturbed everybody's brainwaves," Professor Arthurs informed, his small device he was going off at him, saying quite visually that something was blocking radio waves and affecting brainwaves.

Mary didn't like this. Her mind was going into a frenzy of painful blurs, while they made Charms go into a seizure? What the hell caused this?

"That might be an indicator we might be over Kid's Island," one of the research assistants informed.

"That may explain why it's so difficult the find," another added.

While everybody started talking, Neon was looking down to where Kid had fallen, and that's when he saw it. Below, there was something in or on the water making an odd line in it. It seemed to be moving in the water, leaving some odd line in the water that eventually disappeared. It seemed to be heading in a dead straight direction.

He ran across the room, snatched at the Professor and pulled him over to the window and pointed to the line in the water, "We need to follow that line!"

It took the Professor a couple of moments to see what Neon was talking about. "What is that?" he asked.

Neon simply watched as it disappeared from view.

You coming?

The sudden voice made Neon jump and take a step back and everybody else who was able looked out to see the very end of it.

Neon scratched at his head when he heard the voice again; See you there, cutie.


The Travellers decided to follow the water line's direction. But they decided to take some jets instead of taking the airship there. Everybody was getting some basic supplies to leave, but halfway through Neon's packing, he saw Charms and Cameron on a lounge. Charms still seemed to be out and Cameron was sitting next to her, her head resting on his lap.

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