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Neon managed to blink away the blindness and saw it was Jason. "Most people aren't smart enough to try and attack when you're blind," he informed letting go of his hands.

Neon rubbed his hands and his eyes a couple more times before he stopped fidgeting. "Forgive the sudden burst of light, it's to make sure you're paying attention," he explained as the lights went out. Neon kept his eyes on Jason as he watched him take out what looked like headphones. They were black and bulky by sight.

Jason fiddled with them for a moment before smiling and holding it up. "Put these on," he informed.

Neon glared at them, from one earphone to the other there was a red laser beam. If he were to put it on then the laser could go in one ear and out the other. Jason noticed his look and ran his hand back and forth over the laser line and smiled. "See? It doesn't hurt," he informed holding it out for Neon to take. Neon didn't break his glare as he took the earphones from Jason.

Jason smiled, tilted his hat and disappeared from the room through the door.

Neon watched him go and started examined the headphones lazily before slowly slipping them over his ears. The lasers shocked his head for a moment, but soon seemed to settle in okay.

The Professor behind the class looked at some monitors that were on the wall. "Okay, now to turn them on," he mumbled as he pressed a couple of buttons and switched a few switches. Kid was hardly able to see anything. She turned to Jason and pulled at his pant legs. He looked down to her and soon came down to her size.

She pointed to the odd machinery in an attempt to ask what it was.

Jason seemed to get the vibe, "Okay. What Neon is in right now is called the Testing Chamber; here we can set up several different holograms and images creating different scenarios and physical tests. We're trying to see how he'll react to them," Jason explained.

Kid looked to Neon and watched as he readjusted the headphones sticking to his ears. She pointed over to him hoping to ask about his headphones. Professor Arthurs answered, "It's to test his brain waves and also to allow us to see what he thinks and how he thinks." He pressed some more buttons, "I'm afraid you're going to have to leave," he explained.

Kid went wide eyed and shook her head.

"Sorry Kid, you can't be in the room while we do this," Jason informed, "Don't worry, you can come back in as soon as we're done." Jason guided her over to a door and softly pushed her in before closing it behind her. Kid growled as she attempted to punch down the door.

Jason heard her punches and squeals as she kicked the door. He walked back to the Professor and looked at the screen, it seemed to be filled with numbers and words and images overlapping one another. "Gotta admit, this kid sure is a thinker," the Professor stated, "I'm surprised how quickly he thinks of things and moves on to others." All of these thoughts jumped across their screen and changed and morphed into answers and solutions and problems. Every time they disappeared they were replaced by something else.

Jason found it odd seeing that and then looking at Neon. He looked irritated as he stood there, but he didn't look like he was thinking of anything this complex.

Neon was deliberately overthinking everything to the point of a headache. If these things could read his mind or thoughts he wasn't going to let them understand important things easily.

This thought appeared on the monitor. "Looks like Mr Thinker here is overthinking deliberately," the Professor explained.

Jason asked for him to explain.

"Looks like he's trying to confuse us," he explained, "and I have to say he's almost succeeding."

"Can you still do whatever tests you wanted?" Jason asked.

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