Say Something [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

A short scene wherein Jack and Elsa will have a huge misunderstanding that will lead to decisions they'll regret.


"I need to talk to you." The words slipped out of Elsa's mouth as she faced Jack nervously.

Jack, having no idea about what she'll say, turned his back to his friends to face Elsa with a huge smile.

Elsa's gathered courage seemed to have disappeared the moment Jack flashed his million dollar smile.

She thought she was ready to say it. But now she just realized she can't.

But after what he did to her she can't keep this relationship with him.

He cheated on her.

And what's worse is that he cheated with her best friend.

It was said to have happened months ago but she never had the courage to ask him if it's true since she only heard it to someone.

She didn't ask it to her best friend or Jack.

She was too afraid.

Afraid to know the truth.

Afraid that her heart will get broken to pieces.

"I talk to you later guys, just gotta talk to my girlfriend." Jack waved with a smirk and went over to Elsa, putting a hand over her shoulders.

Elsa's heart sank as she felt her knees getting weaker every step they took.

She pursed her lip while looking down as they both walked. Each step you'll hear Elsa's heels clicking as it hit the pavement.

"What if it was true?" That's the one sentence that kept bugging Elsa.

She wouldn't know what she'd do if it is.

She'll probably hate her best friend, the friend she had since who knows how long.

And she'll definitely loose it knowing that Jack is her first love and they've been together for almost 2 years now.

She went to a big fight with her parents once because she kept their relationship a secret and they only knew about it because of their neighbor.

She was afraid they wouldn't accept him before knowing Jack has a bit of a rebel side and Elsa's parents are super strict when it comes to her.

He was always there for her when she was down, but right now she's feeling so down and what bothers her is that he might not be there after what she'll do.

"Alright. What did you want to tell me snowflake?" Jack asked stopping at a bench at the park.

It was a Saturday morning, the park was loaded with a lot of people.

Elsa didn't like it there. It's just too crowded.

She knows if they'd stay here she wouldn't have the guts to tell what she really feels.

So she just kept quiet.

"Is there a problem Elsa?" Jack's soothing voice asked as he leaned to her.

Elsa's heart felt like it got crushed. Her tears started forming so she quickly covered her face.

Jack noticed that right away that there was something wrong. He instantly got worried.

He held her wrist just to try to move her hand away from her face.

And as their eyes met Elsa's tears began running down like a waterfall.

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