Jealousy [ rivamika ]

439 9 2

Short description: (Levi & Mikasa)

Highschool AU.

Warning: contains swearing


"Oi Ackerman! Are you sure you're alright?" A slightly angry Levi asked Mikasa.

Mikasa rolled her eyes and faced him. "You do know you're also an Ackerman right?"

"Tell me Mikasa, why the hell would I ask myself if I'm alright aloud? Use that know-it-all brain you have for once when talking to me will you?" Levi groaned and stood beside her.

Mikasa rested her hand on the railings and just enjoyed the breeze. The rooftop was her favorite place to relax so whenever she felt stressed out he would go there and just feel the breeze. "I don't know Captain, maybe you're feeling a bit unwell and unsure about yourself to the point that you have to yell at yourself to understand."

"I don't like that sass you have there." Levi glared.

"Good. I don't like you anyways." Mikasa answered facing the other way to not have to look at Levi.

"I didn't say you have to like me though." Levi rolled his eyes and mirrored Mikasa. Hange, who came after Levi to inform him about something, watched the two argue with a huge grin on her face. She kept on bugging Levi to admit that he likes Mikasa and that he's just so dense to notice his own feelings.

Levi thinks it's just Hange being Hange. Not many likes to hang out with her since she has a rather weird obsession. And by obsession it means stalking their so called "titan friends" and finding about what their possible weaknesses are; or so that's what she claims it is. It was her idea to call the bullies 'titans' because she said 'its's a metaphor since they think they're so big and mighty'. Erwin approved of the term to make her shut up and stop bugging him.

"Hey Le-"

"Just leave them alone." Erwin covered her mouth and dragged her out of the scene to give Levi and Mikasa some alone time. It was a good thing that they didn't notice someone calling out to them, or more specifically to Levi.

A few minutes later Mikasa spoke up. "I miss Eren." She sighed and looked down on the building and watched her schoolmates joke around.

"You saw him last week why do say that like you haven't seen him for years." Levi said rather annoyed making Mikasa roll her eyes. "You wouldn't understand."

"Wouldn't understand how attached you are to him? Yes, yes I wouldn't." Levi replied.

"He saved me-"

"Once. I've saved you more times than him but you don't act like that with me." Levi groaned as he felt a stinging pain inside him. He didn't realize that he actually said that out loud. Mikasa raised an eyebrow at him. "Levi... are you actually jealous of Eren?" She asked just to tease him but that question made Levi feel off guard.

"N-no!" Levi answered rather too quickly then looked away. "Why the hell would I be jealous of him."

Mikasa smirked. "You are aren't you?"

"Shut up brat."

"You shut up."

"Are you telling off your superior?"

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"Punishment." Levi said with a straight face. "Do that again and I will give you punishment. So consider this as a warning brat."

Mikasa readied herself for something like a punch or smack on the head so she shielded herself. To her surprise the punishment was something that any of her shielding techniques could block.

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