Am I Different? [ starco ]

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Short description: (Marco & Star)

Just a cute little starco scene.

P.s. Star doesn't posses any magic in this story. But she's still the exchange student, only normal-ish.


"Marcooo!" I heard someone yell from across the halls.

"What?" I asked bored as I close my locker door. I looked up to see a cute blonde girl wearing her usual outfit but with a rather unusual face.

"Star what happened?" I asked her as she wiped her tears.

"Nothing." She replied looking away.

"Don't you nothing me Star, you're crying. Did they hurt you or something?" I asked holding her chin and forcing her to look at me. Her eyes were already red and puffy.

Star never did anything to them, whoever they are, why would they make her cry?

"Never mind I'm already feeling okay." Star said smiling. A fake one to be exact. I've lived with her long enough to see the difference.

"So, wanna just go home?" I asked. She smiled weakly and nodded.

As we walked to my house I could see the big frown that was on her face. I wanted to ask what happened but I didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward. It already is, in my opinion.

"Marco, can I ask you something?" Star said looking at me.

"Yeah sure." I simply replied. She sighed and looked down.

"Am I different?" She asked. I paused for a moment.

"Different how?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Like a weird kind of different?" She asked making hand gestures.

"Yes, you are different." I said giving her an apologetic look.

She sighed and looked down once more. I chuckled and put my arm around her shoulder. "A good different." I smiles widely.

She looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. "Thanks. That really meant a lot Marco." She said.

"Hey, you help me when I'm down. It's the least I could do." I smiled.

"Yeah. I do help you a lot don't I?" She smiled cheekily. "Does that mean you could finally tutor me on calculus?"

"Oh, she's back." I joked and then laughed. Star just laughed along.

"Oh and you forgot to teach me some moves you know in karate." She said making the word karate sound funny. She did some hand gestures and kicks that wasn't really what you call karate but, it's close enough I guess?

"How can I teach you karate if you can't even - Woah! Watch it." I said dodging her karate chop.

"Whoops. Sorry." She grimaced. I just rolled my eyes but then ended up laughing as I twisted the door knob to our front door.

"It's fine - ah!" I slipped on the floor on my first step.

"Star." I said in a threatening voice. She laughed nervously. "What happened here? Mom and dad's gonna kill me if they see this mess!" I groaned trying to balance myself on the slippery floor.

She was about to step in too but I stopped her. "Careful. You might lose your balance." I said. She just laughed at me.

"Marco Marco, it's just butter. I know the parts where there are no butters. I should cause I put that there." She said proudly.

I take back the good weird; this is beyond anyone's expectations. "Why would you butter the house?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Well, there might be burglars around here, so if the floor is buttered they'll have a hard time trying to sneak in and out of the house." She smiled.

"What? But what if the person trying to get in the house wasn't a burglar?" I raised my eyebrow still trying to stand up. "Ow." I muttered as I slipped and hit my hand on the coffee table.

"I already warned Mr. and Mrs. Diaz about it so...." she said as her voice trailed off.

"Why didn't you warn me? This is a pretty unsafe environment." I complained.

"That's why I put a mop here." She said grabbing the mop behind the door and started mopping the butter away to create a trail for her to cross.

"Star you could've said that earlier." I said monotonously.

"Right." She said nervously laughing. This girl.

I grabbed the sofa and sat there. Luckily that wasn't buttered.

"When did you have the time to do this?" I asked.

"While I was in detention I decided to sneak out cause that idea popped in my head while I was being bored to death." Star said climbing the stairs.
"You sneaked out of the detention room?!" I asked wide eyed.

"What? No!" She laughed. "Why would I sneak out from the Detention room? That place is impossible to get out of."

"But you said-"

"I sneaked out the school dummy. I never went to the detention room in the first place. I was told to but I didn't want to so I didn't." She laughed.

"Is this how you behaved on your last school?" I raised my eyebrow.

She smirked. "Probably."

"You are so weird Star." I commented.

"But you like me." She teased. My eyes widened.

"Who told you that?" I was dying to scream that to her but I didn't want to sound so obvious so I just said, "Ha, in your silly dreams Star."

"You know Marco; I guess that's why they call me different. Cause I'm weird and they can't keep up with my reality." Star said rubbing her chin.

"Different in a good way." I added.

"Awe. That's why I like you Marco." Star said making my face blush a bit.

This girl is surely different from the others. She's the only one who can do this to me.

The only one who changed me for the best and showed me things I've never imagined before. She changed my life.

She may be weird but that won't change the fact that the way she differs from the others was the main reason I liked her.

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