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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

Sugarcoat everything #1

If you see this it's basically inspired of something I experienced personally, but overly sugarcoated to make it more romantic lol


"What? You're moving?" I asked him teary eyed. He wouldn't see it though, it was the advantage of only talking over the phone.

"Don't be like that Elsa, I'm only going to be out for a week then come back during the weekends." Jack replied as he chuckled. "Dad thought it would be better for me to move to an apartment near my new school so I could save money and time."

"I told you to just go to the same school I applied to, you'll save much more time and money here and you don't have to move." I made an attempt to stop him once more and once again making him laugh.

"It wasn't really my choice since mom and dad insisted." Jack sighed.

I hugged my legs and set my phone beside me while it was on speaker.

"How come you managed to insist your parents to an expensive private school and not be able to make them change their mind and let you go to a public school instead?" I was beginning to feel like my tears was about to fall, good thing he can't see me.

"I didn't, they were the ones that insisted." Jack said reminding me once more.

"It's not fair." I complained burying my face to my knees.

"You know we're just experiencing the same thing right? I guess it takes more than planning it ourselves and trying to persuade our parents." Jack said with the same disappointed tone he has every time we talk about our new schools.

I just stayed quiet. We were already at the same school but then my parents thought that it would be better if I just went to a university here where it's not so far away. Almost all my classmates from high school are going to schools somewhere near the city or at the city while only a few of us will stay here.

If they didn't suddenly change their mind I wouldn't be thinking about these kinds of stuff. I hated being alone, it's not that I'm all alone at the school I'll be going to; some of my classmates back in high school will also go there but it's not the same if I'm not close to them in the first place.

I am picky when it comes to the people I socialize with, very picky. I was quite happy when I first found out that I was going to go to the same school as Jack since he was one of my closest friends but then that happened.

"Elsa..." Jack called out. I hummed in response. "I'm sorry okay? I'll try and make it up to you I promise."

I just hummed response once more. There was silence for a moment. "I don't want to go." I heard Jack say making me bite my lower lip as I tried my best to not let my tears fall.

I grabbed my phone, put it off speaker and put it near my ear. "I don't want you to go either." I said wiping a tear that unexpectedly fell. Then another came rolling down my cheek, then another, then another until it just wouldn't stop. I involuntarily hiccuped as I wiped the tears on my face.

"Oh come on Elsa, don't be like this right now okay? I know that you don't want me to but you don't have to cry." Jack said with his sweetest voice.

"I know but it's just that..." I paused for a while. "...what if you forget me?"

I know I sound ridiculous but at times like this I could help be paranoid.

"What? Forget you? That is the craziest thing I've heard you say for a long time." Jack laughed, trying to lighten up the mood.

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