x [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)


"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow at Jack who seem to be planning on doing something stupid again.

"I heard somewhere that my ex likes people who are serious and mature." He grinned widely.

"So you decided to wear that?" I said gesturing to his formal attire.

"I look serious and mature don't I?" He fixed his tie. "I'm sure my ex will like it."

"Ex? Since when did you have an ex? I leave you for an hour and you managed to find yourself an ex?" I looked at him with my eyebrows still raised.

"What? Is it not believable?" He asked.

"Jack I've known you since we were kids and I know you've never had a girlfriend in your life." I told him.

"You don't know everything about me Elsa."

"I'm not sure I want to know everything anyway." I scoffed.

He put his hand to his heart and acted as if he was shot there. "Ow. That hurt Elsa, can't you tone down your sass a bit?"

I rolled my eyes at his behavior. I don't want to go through this when I'm supposed to be enjoying my free time during this school activity that I don't want to participate to.

"But I'm not kidding. I did have a girlfriend. 3 weeks, no a month ago. We broke up an hour ago." He said. "Wait..." Then he paused and stqrted counting on his fingers. "It only lasted for a couple of days if you count the time we can actually be called a couple."


"Well, I can't really call you my girlfriend when it wasn't during our practice so that doesn't count." He said smiling making my eyebrows knit together.

"So when you said you had an ex you meant to say it was me?" I raised my eyebrow again.

"Well, you technically were." He smiled again.

"You do realize that was only for the play right?" I said.

"Well yeah, that's why i said the time that wasn't during practice wasn't counted. And after the performance it was all over which means that you are not my girlfriend anymore, which means you are now my ex." He explained.

"I... don't even want to argue anymore. This is stupid and my brain cells can't take it." I said face palming.

I felt someone sit beside me. "Hey Elsa." I heard Jack say. I faced him. He suddenly poked my cheek making me glare at him. "What?"

"This is my serious and mature look. What do you think?" He asked making a quite awkward pose in attempt to making himself look serious. I just laughed. "It doesn't suit you that much."

"How about this?" He suddenly leaned in at me with a poker face. My eyes widened.

Then he suddenly smirked and poked my cheek once again. "You're blushing."

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