White [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

Elsa experienced a near death situation and Jack stayed with her while she was in the hospital.


"It's gonna be fine. Stay with me okay?" I could hear muffled voices but one stood out.

"Elsa stay with me. Don't close your eyes, everything's going to be alright." The voice said. I would do what he said but my eyes feel so heavy.

"Elsa please don't leave me like this." He begged. "You can pull through this right?" I felt two cold hands touch mine.

All I see is white, and other blurry figures. I could tell I am currently at the hospital, being rushed to the emergency room.

I could tell because the last thing I remember is being lifted out the ambulance.

"Elsa open your eyes, don't close them." The voice instructed. I don't know why that voice kept telling me this, it's hard to keep my eyelids open. I feel so tired, like I could sleep for a long time.

"Elsa wake up!" I felt like I was being shaken.

"Sir please don't do that." I heard someone else say. But I, could feel myself being shaken more violently.

"Elsa!" I heard the voice yell. My eyes are already closed halfway, like if I close it I know I'd drift to sleep.

"Sir you can't go in here, we'll just need you to wait here."

By that I closed my eyes completely.

It's ironic because I expected it to be dark when I closed my eyes. But all I see is a blinding light. It was black before but then suddenly it became so light. For a while I let my eyes adjust, by now, I could see a grassy meadow. It was spread throughout the place, as if it was endless. I saw myself in a plain white dress, wearing nothing as footwear but it doesn't seem to bother me.

I walked for a while, staring at the beautiful green grass that had little yellow flowers with them, and when I lifted my head a bit I could see light again. Towards me was a blinding light that was so white you couldn't see well what was on the other side.

I started going towards it, but then I was hearing a voice. "Elsa!" It said.

It called out, again and again. "Elsa." Then meadows slowly faded away, and so did the light. I felt like I was being pulled away.

I felt a shock throughout my body. But then it was gone. It was after that when I felt blank. I felt nothingness.

But that was only for a little while. Not long I could feel someone touching my hand. It stayed like that, for a long time. It felt nice. It felt really nice.

I tried to move my hand but I feel like it wasn't doing anything but move a single finger. But I guess that was enough to get the person who was holding my hand's attention. "Elsa?" A very very familiar voice said.

I know that voice.

I tried to open my eyes, I did, but it took longer than I expected. Naturally, I scanned the room, letting my eyes wander around. Everything was still blurry, but just like my dream, everything was white.

I felt myself being engulfed in a hug. "You're awake."

I couldn't help but wince in pain, I felt like everything hurts. "Sorry." The voice said, loosening the hug's grip.

That scent. That voice. By now I have already adjust, I could add we things clearer now. And the first thing I saw clearly was a white haired boy, with red puffy eyes and still flowing tears.

"J-jack." I practically croaked. He smiled instantly, and grabbed my hand, kissing it repeatedly.

He wasn't saying anything, he just kept on crying. I tried to move so I could touch his face. It wasn't working, still can't do it.

"Don't move yet." Jack said sounding a bit panicked. "You still need to heal."

I opened my mouth expecting sounds to come out, at least just a single word, just to assure him I'm fine but I clearly wasn't.

"Don't push yourself too hard Elsa, you're not fine yet." Jack had a really worried look on him. "But you will be okay?"

I just noticed how horrible he looked, like he haven't slept or eaten for days. He was so thin and pale, and there was a huge dark circle under his eyes.

I kept forgetting I couldn't move well so I kept on trying to reach out. "It's okay." He said, grabbing a hold of my hand.

"I'm okay. I great actually." He smiled widely. "I'm happy."

"You don't look like you're okay." I said trying my best to hold his hand tighter.

"I am now." He looked at me and smiled sweetly, his eyes still a bit glassy but his tears already stopped flowing. "Thank you."

I looked at him confused. "For what?"

"For..." He paused for a while, trying to think of the right word to say. "For staying."

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