Normal day/date [ jelsa ]

182 10 10

Short Description: (Jack & Elsa)

This is based on something that happened to me recently and it just hit me like a bus that it's somewhat a usual go-to story idea and im cackling about how ironically cliche it is so lemme tell you what happened in fanfiction form (because fanfic is sort of my thing lol)

Ps. That day was so chaotic and I was not my normal self, realistically tho if i were to be a Disney character I'd be Merida since she's closer to my personality but I ship jelsa more than jarida so i had to change a bit of what happened so it'll fit Elsa and Jack's character more.


Originally there were eight of us that was on board with it. Excluding myself, it was Rapunzel, Merida, Tadashi, Jack, Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs. It was technically Rapunzel's idea for us to all watch together but she wasn't the one that put together the ensemble. Jack and I mostly did the inviting.

The plan was that all of us will go to the cinemas today and watch the new Disneyworks movie together. It was a thursday and in our schedule we only had one class for the day. We were supposed to head to the mall right away to catch the 1 pm showing of Wonderful, a fantasy comedy movie that also features a bit of action, but because of some circumstances the eight that was originally on board was shaven to 4, though we still consider it 5 because we just might be able to convince Tadashi to come with.

We were given homeworks by two of our major subjects and because it wasn't something you could normally do overnight, some of us were already having second thoughts. Adding the fact that there was also one homework given to us last week that was due tomorrow, the ones that haven't made it yet was really bothered. Luckily, I finished most of our homework and the only one left to do was one due next week which I can work on during the weekends.

Fishlegs told us he wasn't going to go and just work on his homework, he also told us that he haven't really watched the series that was connected to Wonderful so he wouldn't really get much of the possible reference they'll put in the movie which completely surprised Jack and I knowing that he didn't really tell us that when Jack asked him to come with. And apparently it was the same with Hiccup, they were planning to see the movie without having any background from the series. But when they had other stuff they needed to work on, they said they'll just watch it afterwards when they caught up to the series. And with Hiccup absent, Astrid was also out.

"I'm going to see that movie no matter what." That was what Jack kept chanting whenever the topic came up. From the beginning when we first planned it that was the line he kept saying.

I would just laugh at his replies and occasionally raise my eyebrows as I tell him possible things that might make him say other wise like "what if we have a project coming up" or "what if one of our professors give us an extremely long take home activity". That was the case we were going through right now. Nevertheless he was decided and still chanting the same thing.

Because he was so enthusiastic about it, I also felt really pumped up to watch it. I guess it also had to do with the fact that the movie we were planning to watch was a special for a series that I really enjoyed.

To the remaining people on board, including myself, we all decided to move the time and just catch the 3 pm showing to give time to Rapunzel and Merida to finish one of the homeworks at school since the library provided a better space and that way they can both help each other in the process. Jack went to his friend, North's apartment to start on his homework as well.

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