Remember [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

Elsa gets herself in an accident before the last two weeks of summer. And it has lead to a temporary amnesia. She regained a few of her memories during that last two weeks so her family thought it would be fine to take her back to school.

And that's where she'll meet the school's biggest bully, or at least to her he is, Jack.


"So, amnesia girl. I'm surprised you didn't forget how to even breathe." Jack said with a glare.

"That's not how temporary amnesia works you stupid head." Elsa glared back before taking a very small bite from her sandwich.

"Oh really? Then how does it work?" Jack challenged.

"Just shut up already!" Elsa groaned putting her sandwich down.

"So that's how it works? Wow, the mysteries of forgetting everything." Jack said bitterly.

"What's your deal? Why are you always bullying me for something I didn't want?" Elsa said standing up, she looked at him teary eyed.

Having amnesia was hard. Elsa was lucky enough to survive that car crash but she didn't manage to save all her memories. She honestly didn't know who her friends were or who her enemies were.

But Jack made it pretty clear they weren't friends at all. And somehow Elsa wanted to know why. Maybe if she knew why Jack bullies her it would've been great so she would know if it's not just her condition.

"Well, to make you remember amnesia girl. That's how bullying works." Jack said.

"Well it's not my fault that I had amnesia. I know it's stupid but you don't have to remind me every day!" Elsa yelled angrily before storming out of the cafeteria.

Everyone inside stared at Jack who had his eyebrows furrowed.

"Maybe I've gone too far." He thought.

Usually it would've been fine if Anna was around to stop him and not let him go overboard. But it just so happens that Anna was sick that day, so that meant Elsa was all alone.

"What are you looking at?!" He glared at anyone he found staring at him. And after that he stormed out the cafeteria.

Immediately he found Elsa by going to her favorite spot at the school. She was curled up in a corner, crying her eyes out.

"Elsa." He called out with an unusually calm voice.

"Go away." She muttered. Jack pursed his lip before walking nearer to Elsa.

"What part of go away did you not understand?" Elsa glared.

"Every bit of it." He said as he felt his heart beating faster after he went beside her.

Elsa wiped her tears aggressively before standing up. But as she was about to walk she felt her hand being pulled.

"I'm sorry." She heard him say. She just grabbed her hand away before wiping the freshly dropped tear on her face.

"That's new." She said facing Jack. She was surprised to see him also crying, tears was flowing out of his eyes as looked down. Her face softened.

She never saw him cry before, or at least remember him cry before.

She just stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"Please, forgive me." Jack titled his head up to look at Elsa's eyes.

"After all you did you think I'd forgive you just like that?" Elsa said with a surprised tone.

He sighed heavily. "I know."

"I'm unbelievable." He said wiping some of his tears.

Somehow, seeing him like this made Elsa feel bad. Even though she should probably be happy at seeing him so weak.

"It's not my fault you couldn't remember me at all." He stood up. "After all. I'm just nothing to you now anyway. I always was, and I always will."

"Jack what-"

"I know that you were just playing with me that time. That what you said last summer was just a joke. I get that you had amnesia but didn't you at least try to remember me?" He cried.

"Jack I-"

"Didn't you at least try and ask Anna what happened before your accident?" Jack looked into her eyes deeply; he was crying way harder than Elsa was right now.

"Jack did something ha-"

"Nothing. Forget what I just said. Go find another way to get amnesia for all I care." He said walking away, still crying.

"Jack..." Elsa stared at his fading figure.

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