Gifts [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Jack and Elsa)


"Happy birthday!" She smiled widely. I just smiled back. "Sorry I didn't prepare much, it was sort of a last minute run." She fiddled with her hair after handing me a box with a ribbon on top and a note that says:

To: Jack

Happy Birthday!
More birthdays to come!

"I'm actually surprised you didn't forget." I told her before laughing.

"I may be forgetful but I still remember important stuffs like this you know." She pouted.

My smile was still there, until I heard her in the background. We both looked at the direction the voice came from. I just gave that person who called me a little gesture saying 'wait'. Then I face the person who I was originally talking to.

"Look Elsa-"

"It's your birthday Jack, I honestly wasn't planning on going here because I might ruin it." She looked down.

My eyebrows knitted. "What are you talking about? You in my birthday will never ruin it."

She just kept her eyes on the ground. I lifted her chin up using my free hand. "If you weren't here, this birthday will be the saddest." I told her.

She just laughed silently, so silent it seemed more like a nose exhale while smiling.

For a moment our eyes met each other, until her attention was put on what was behind me. She removed my hand from her chin gently before smiling once more.

"I should go." She said.

I grabbed her hand before she could walk away. "Elsa look at me." I said. She did look at me. "I didn't know. I should've told you first but you heard it from someone else and it was stupid of me to-"

"Jack." Elsa squeezed my hand. "It's not your fault."

"I should've known ."

"I know. I didn't really want anyone to know." Elsa looked down.


"Because..." She paused. "I was scared. I didn't know about how you felt either."


"It's done now Jack. No turning back." Elsa gave me a weak smile. "I'm happy for you."

"I'm not." That was what i wanted to say but for some odd reason I couldn't do it.

"I hope you'll like my gift." She said before running away.

I reached out but she was already halfway across the room. Before I could even run she was already outside the door.

I sighed and stared the the box she gave. "I'll be in my room." I told my friends. They gave each other looks, then she went to the circle my friends made.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I just have to do something. I'll be right back." I said almost running to my room.

My hands were shaking as I held the box. I felt happy, nervous, anxious and scared at the same time.

Carefully, I untied the ribbon. I lifted the lid a bit and caught a glimpse of a paper. It said:

I hope you'll like it ^-^

I smiled. She still uses those little emoticons.

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