Overcoming Philophobia [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

This story is in the point of view of the lead male, wherein he discusses the subject "Philophobia" while using Elsa as the main subject of his documentary.

Throughout the story, he shares some of his experiences. Find out what it is by reading the whole documentary on the next few pages.


I sighed deeply before opening my new brown notebook that I just purchased from the store and smiled. I brought out a pen and started scribbling on it.

"Philophobia" I wrote as a title.

I looked around the room, making sure no one was there before continuing to write my documentary that was filled with answers to questions you might or might not be asking right now. Releasing another sigh, I started writing once more;

• What is philophobia?

It is a condition in which a person fears the idea of falling in love.

What are the signs of philophobia?

I have no clue, but I bet someone I know definitely can answer that.

Her name is Elsa. A friend of mine (or at least I think we are friends?) that is a total love hater. A coworker who despises seeing couples because she thinks having a relationship has no point.

I came across this word before and didn't think it was actually possible, that is until I met her.

I seriously cannot believe someone like her could be so negative about it. If I'm not mistaken she probably turned down a lot of guys. A girl as beautiful as her definitely did that.

And I'll be honest; I'm one of those guys she turned down.

Maybe it was my looks, or my style. Or maybe she just didn't want to date me, or anyone. Or maybe I took my step a bit too soon.

What will you do if you fell for a philophobic person?

Um, forget about it and try to find a better person? I'm telling you it is hard to come across a philophobic. What more if you fell in love with them?

Trust me on this. I learnt it the hard way. And the painful way (not to mention embarrassing).

"Hey, you're Elsa right?" I asked the girl with platinum blonde hair. She just nodded, not turning away from her computer. "Do you mind if - I mean would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

Finally facing me she raised an eyebrow while fixing her eyeglass. "Yes." She simply said looking at me.

I mentally shouted "yes!" in my mind before talking. "Wait, yes like you would mind or yes, I could ask questions?" I asked a bit unsure.

She sighed deeply before rolling her eyes. "Look, do you want to ask the questions or not?" She groaned. I just smiled. "I will, I will. I will ask questions."

"So what is your name?" I asked nervously while reading my listed questions. "You already know my name." She said. Man she's sassy. "No I mean your full name. With your middle name and all." I said.

"Next time just be specific." She said handing an ID to me. "Just give it back to me when you're done." She said facing her computer once more.

As much as I appreciate her trust in me for lending me her ID, I already knew these stuffs about her. Believe it or not I already have her number. I just didn't get it from her (Maddie was nice enough to give it to me with a chocolate bar in exchange, very nice indeed) I know Elsa would never give it to me so I had to ask someone to ask for me.

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