Papers and Umbrellas [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Jack and Elsa)

The school had an activity and the alumnis of the school helped out in making the activity possible. It was Elsa's first time participating and it just so happened that Jack, her senior, was one of the alumnis that helped out.


"We should probably get an umbrella." I told my friend. He nodded before grabbing his.

We went back to homeroom to get some drink after the activity we just had.  I was so thirsty, I've never been so active in my entire life. We had activities that include running, stretching and bathing on the sun's heat.

The others stayed outside because the closing ceremony was about to start. We could already hear the favorite background music of one teacher we have and we got nervous that we might get a special mention on the speakers for taking too long to come back. 

Hiccup and I exchanged looks when we saw that Ms. Izma, the strict teacher of our school, was the one holding the microphone. We swiftly opened our umbrellas to cover our faces and went back to our seats at the back.

In the middle of the speech the rain started to lightly pour. Small droplets of water began to wet my head. No one else seemed to have noticed yet since we were under a roof that was separated from the main building. 

Not long the rain started pouring harder, making the water slowly rise. It rained last night and the ground has barely even gotten dry yet. It was one of the reasons why our activities were harder, we literally crawled on mud earlier.

After the speeches and giving of certificates for the participants, it was time for the picture taking. After the program it was raining hard and everyone was running as fast as they could before they get too wet. 

I was lucky that I brought my umbrella with me but I didn't get to go right away because when I was talking to Astrid, Lani asked if she could borrow my umbrella. I couldn't say no so I stayed a bit longer.

During that time waiting for my umbrella I ended up holding everyone else's (that's exaggerated it's actually those from my homeroom) certificate while they played in the rain.

The moment my umbrella was given back to me I headed back to homeroom to get my things and the others' certificates there. (I'm still wondering why Lani borrowed my umbrella because she came back soaking wet so where did she use it?)  

I walked as fast as I can so I could get back right away. But then I heard my name being called out, I looked back to see Joyce waving at me and pointing at her certificate. I was about to go back but then i felt a drop of water fall on me. I looked up my umbrella right away and panicked for a second. It got wet on the inside!

I didn't know what to do, I freaked out because the one I was holding on my other hand was about to get wet. Before I could even signal a sorry or yell it I turned back and walked faster to the roofed part of the near building.

I was so surprised when suddenly someone went under my umbrella. I stopped and looked at the person; white hair, pale skin, that confident grin.

"You don't mind right?" He asked. I was too flustered to even say a word so I just shook my head. I never been this close to a guy before, except for Hiccup but that's normal since we practically grew up with each other. 

We both walked as fast as we can to be saved from getting wet. We arrived at short hallway and was finally able to put the umbrella away. 

"I have papers with me." Jack explained pointing to his stomach that showed that he hid the papers under his shirt. I laughed and waved the papers (that they covered with a handkerchief) my classmates gave me. "Me too." I said.

We stopped walking for a moment, noticing that the path we are about to take has no roofs on it. Jack took a deep breath before positioning himself for another run.

"Wait, there's still room here you know." I said trying to act cool but that one a bit embarrassing. Jack and I used to be in the music club so we had some interactions with each other and out of my upperclassmen there he's the one I'm closest to but saying that is still embarrassing.

He just gave me his infamous smirk as he waited for me to go to him. I opened my umbrella and let him go under. Before we continued walking he pulled me closer to him. "You might get wet." He said.

"I'm more worried about the papers I'm holding." I said as my cheeks grew hot while I scooted a bit farther from him. He's closer than earlier.

"Well I'm worried about you." He insisted and pulled me closer again, this time his one hand was on my shoulder. With that we went on our way.

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