What Now? [ marichat ]

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Short description: (Marinette & Chat Noir) feat. The other ship between those two and their super hero persona

Chat Noir was patrolling for the night and stops by at Marinnette's house.


"I don't get it. Why can't she love me?" Chat Noir ranted making me shrug.

"I don't know but I'm not really sure why you're asking me for advice." I said with all honesty but deep inside I was freaking out.

Did he find out what my identity is? Is he trying to hint me about that he knows by asking me questions about how Ladybug would think knowing I'm her?

"Well, you're someone I already know so-" Chat paused. "-I mean, I know you a lot now since I've saved you countless of times - not that I'm bragging or anything." Chat explained. Oh Kitty, I'll let you know we're nowhere near even if that's what we're counting. "-and I thought maybe it would be just fine to talk to you about this instead." He added.

"Okay, but why are you asking me this now?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"I happened to see you outside your room at this time of night so I was curious." Chat Noir leaned on his staff.

I internally cursed. I should've just stayed in my room and slept, that way I wouldn't have to be having this talk with Chat.

"You know curiosity killed the cat right?" I teased.

"Well, this cat has more than nine lives so try me." He said proudly. True, he does deal with life threatening situations almost on a daily basis and still manages to live another day.

"Alright then." I just said defeated.

"So answer me, why do you think Ladybug isn't interested?" Chat Noir repeated his question.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Maybe try being Adrien Agreste." I said in barely a mutter.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I said repeating what he said almost too instantly.

"You said something about being Adrien Agreste." He said. I felt my cheeks start to feel hot because of embarrassment.

"I-I did?" I tried looking away to hide my surprised flustered face. I didn't hear him respond, instead I heard a familiar sound of detransformation.

"What now?" He asks making me tilt my head towards his direction.

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