Living a dream [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

Based on a Levihan comic that I saw.

Warning: it's a bit gore-ish(?) 

Idk if it's gore-ish to you but since it's based off on an attack on titan comic this is kinda normal.. i guess


"Elsa..." Slowly my eyes opened to see my comrade who was holding me tightly. "Hang in there, you're going to be fine..."

I looked down to see my lower abdomen sliced, my clothes stained with so much blood. This is it. It's no use. I can't survive from this injury anymore. 

"Jack." I say with a shaky breath as I reached out to his now crying face. He was shaking his head as he held my hand.

"You can make it! You're stubborn enough to live this long! You can't die now!" He kept insisting. His tears fell down continuously. It was odd since I felt happy. He never cried like this, I feel honored that he's crying this much for me.

"Jack... I can't-"

"No! You can get through this okay?" His voice was already cracking, his eyes shifted from my face to my injury. His whole body was practically shaking.

"You're not making any sense right now Jack." I said chuckling. "This can't be healed. I'm done for."

His expression changed instantly. "Don't say that!" He yelled angrily. I just laughed at his stubbornness. Before I knew it I was also starting to cry. "Jack..." I felt a metallic taste in my mouth. It had a familiar scent. I coughed, red liquid came out of my mouth. Blood.

Jack stared at me with a scared face. I just tried to smile.


"Why did you join the military?" Someone from behind asked me. This was a question I get asked usually.

"Because I wanted to." I simply answered. Elaborating will only make the conversation longer. He just laughed. I know what he's thinking, the military doesn't have room for girls. I just rolled my eyes.

"You weren't forced to?" He asked making me raise my eyebrow. " Can't I just say that I want to without being questioned?" I said.

"I'm Jack by the way." He offered his hand. I just stared at it. "Elsa." I said before looking away. 

"No need to be so sassy, I get your point that you aren't here for attention but what you're doing will probably give you more." He said before laughing. My eyebrows furrowed but I still didn't bother looking at him. For a soldier who has joined this team for a long time he's pretty lively. I guess he wasn't here that long or maybe he never even experienced going out there.

"Captain, the other trainees are here." Someone yelled. To my surprise it was Jack who responded to that and said, "Okay, I'll be right there!"

He left after patting my shoulder, "Try to be friendlier while you're here okay? We're your teammates not your enemy." He told me with a smile.


You were the liveliest among the team, you never cried this much when one of our comrades didn't make it. You even told us that crying won't help bring back the dead, yet here you are crying your eyes out in the middle of the battlefield. 

"You hypocrite." I said trying to laugh but failed before I could even attempt to.

I could feel my eyes starting to close. My eyelids felt so heavy.

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