Graduation [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

This is a tribute to my fallen ship.

Inspired by what truly happened to my ship :'(

Roulette # 2


A few weeks prior their graduation, they had papers to finish up and practice to put up with. Elsa was part of the people in charge of helping the students get ready for their graduation picture.

Jack, as the elected class president, had a few things to take care of before heading to the graduation practice. He stopped by the room where the graduation photos were being taken because it was their class that was the one having their photo taken.

He was going to inform everyone that it was time to go to the school gymnasium for practice. After he did the people who already got their picture taken stepped out the room. Along side them was another person.

It was Elsa.

Everyone knew about his small crush on her, it was something everyone teased him about throughout the school year.

It all started back at junior year when his friend began teasing them. Over the time everyone joined in.

But the thing is, most of them didn't really know how he really felt.

Some thinks he was just joking though some thinks the contrary. He didn't really admit out loud even though he acted obviously at times, occasionally murmuring things under his breath whenever Elsa was around.

Because of his behavior Elsa didn't believe that he did like her.

So as a joke she told him, "Did you have anything to tell me?"

"Not that I know of, there aren't any meetings that will be taking place anytime soon." He said.

"No I mean, some sort of message that you wanted to say to me since it's almost graduation and us seniors will be moving to college soon and might never see each other again. If you have one now would be the perfect time to tell me." Elsa said.

Of course Jack acted awkwardly, not knowing what to tell her. He didn't even want to tell her about how he felt anymore.

It felt irrelevant.

It feels like even when he tells her it wouldn't mean a thing to her cause she had someone else already. But she was right, if he wanted to tell her something he should seize this opportunity and tell her.

"I was and I'm still..." He paused. Elsa waited patiently for the continuation of what he wanted to say.

Jack didn't want to continue what he wanted to say, he felt like he'd stutter if he tried so he didn't finish right away.

He glanced at Elsa who was looking at him, patiently waiting for the continuation. He looked away and with all the courage he could muster he said, "...into you."


Press F for respect.

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