2 am thoughts [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Jack and Elsa)

"How did our conversation end up like this?" They both asked themselves with cheeks flushed as ever after the call ended.


Hours has already passed but no one dared to end the call. They have both been silent for good half an hour, one was advanced reading while the other was snacking on something. Oddly enough it was the girl who wasn't studying.

"I still don't get this." Jack muttered, setting the book on his side. He grabbed his phone and put it near his ear. He could hear the sound of the Pringles can being shaken by Elsa as she struggled to grab the last piece.

"Aren't you sleepy?" He asked.

"Not really. I regret drinking coffee after dinner." Elsa said before whispering a very happy 'yes' to herself when she finally grabbed the piece.


"I like coffee, do you have a problem with that?" Elsa complained.

"No, I... you... forget it." Jack sighed. His eyes landed on the book he borrowed from Elsa, and because of frustration he just found himself glaring at it.

"I can't believe you already answered the questions here. How did you even get all that?" Jack asked making the camera finally face him. It was a video call but they always preferred not showing each other's faces. He would sometimes tease Elsa and call her afraid of the camera, Elsa was fine with that, she would even tell that herself if it meant not getting a picture.

"I already explained that to you earlier. You said you got it already." Elsa said.

"My brain is not functioning correctly right now." Jack massaged his head.

"That's because it's already 1 am." The other line told him, his eyes immediately searched for a clock, forgetting that he had one on his phone that he was already holding. He face-palmed himself after the realization.

"I think I need to sleep." He said closing his eyes, studying was truly tiring.

"Okay, night." Elsa said still sounding energetic despite the fact that it was already passed midnight and she was the only one left awake in their house.

"Goodnight." Jack replied before ending the call.

He glanced at the duration of the call, 2 hours and 13 minutes. Well, they had longer calls than that. One with much more long silences and leaving the call on while they do something else. With a sigh he set his phone down before closing his eyes.

Although he felt exhausted both physically and mentally, he couldn't sleep. He opened his eyes again and reached for his phone. He saw that he had new messages. It was from Elsa, forgot to tell him something again he guessed.

He smirked when he saw the first message, "I forgot to tell you" it said. "I knew it." He laughed. Finally unlocking his phone he instantly opened his messages.

I forgot to tell you

you can get the answers from the back

i answered it myself tho

i just used that to check my answers haha

Jack laughed. He knew that. Unlike him, she was smart enough to get that even after just reading it once. He read one lesson from the book multiple times already but he still can't understand it.

He found himself pressing the call button instead of just replying. His call was answered right away, as if Elsa anticipated it. "I thought you were going to sleep?" She said instead of the usual "hello". She never did answer a call that way when she knew it was Jack.

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