Verse Three [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Elsa and Jack)

"I'm sorry..."

My Playlist (Songfic collection)

Song 1: Furaregai Girl by Sayuri


I told myself I wouldn't become a miserable woman. But looking at me now, did I manage to become one after all?

"Jack we need to talk." I told Jack. He just looked at me, not saying a word.

I wanted to ask him many things, like why he wasn't there when I needed him or why he's been ignoring me. But I didn't want to have another long conversation, not again. If we end up having another long talk I'd end up saying another miserable thing that would restart the cycle.

I've had enough of that.

"Two minutes is all I need." I added to what I said. He still stayed silent.

I took a deep breath before yelling "you idiot" at the top of my lungs.

Jack looks at me shocked. Before he could say a thing I stopped him. I couldn't help it. All these things I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell him now.

"Jack what happened between us? You were always there for me but what happened?" I began bombarding him with questions.

"Jack I needed you but where were you? You told me you'd be there."

"I know but-"

"NO! I don't want anymore excuses Jack."

"I'm not trying to make excuses. Elsa hear me out." Jack tried to touch my hand but I pulled away.

"Jack my parents died. You were nowhere to be found that time, that time I was going through my grieving process. I waited. I waited and waited for you but you never came. Am I not important enough for you? You know I needed you that time." I'm impressed, because despite the fact that I'm saying all this I'm still not shedding a tear.

"Elsa I was-"

"Was what Jack? What were you doing all month? You never even bothered to answer my calls."

"A month is exaggerated Elsa. It's only a few weeks." Jack was starting to get enraged. The nerve of that guy.

"News flash Jack, 3 weeks and 5 days is almost the same amount as the month of February. And only a few weeks? Shouldn't we be contacting each other often specially in that time? I would've accepted that excuse of yours if I didn't go through what I went through last month but I did and I won't be accepting that excuse."

"You don't understand-"

"No, you don't understand. Would it kill you to leave maybe a single text or a voice mail?"

"I was busy at work." Jack said. "You know my work is hard and I have to focus there and-"

"I didn't hear from you for a long time Jack, just a message would've been enough but I didn't receive one. And through all that you never bothered to say sorry." He stayed silent after that.

"I'm breaking up with you." I tell him.

"What?" Jack asked me.

"You heard me. All through that I knew that was how this will end, and I'm more than willing to break up with you." I said firmly.

"No, don't do this Elsa. Please no." He began to beg.

"Jack this is not going to work like this."

"Elsa please I'll change. I promise."

"You told me that hundreds of times and every single time I forgive you you do the same thing over and over again."

I told myself this before I came to see Jack, "Even if he chases me with tears on his eyes, I won't forgive him anymore." I've given him more than enough chances and I don't want to go through that again.

"Goodbye Jack." I said before walking away. He kept calling my name but I didn't look back.

It's about time when the next tears are piled up.

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