A Playful Kiss [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

After a game of truth or dare, Elsa and Jack found themselves locked inside a room yet again.

And in those few minutes in the room the two found themselves to be in another scene. After getting out, the two ended up on a shocking confession.

All because of a playful kiss


"Alright, spin!" Tina cheered as Jack held the tip of the bottle.

Jack gave it a little push and it started spinning while it rolled over to a person.

"Elsa truth or dare!" Anna quickly said as the middle part of the bottle touch the tip of Elsa's shoe.

"I'm not even playing with you and it's obviously pointing at Mer." Elsa said taking a bite to a chocolate bar that she got from their fridge.

"Don't be such a kill joy Elsa! This is just one last game before Jack leaves from Burgess!" Hiccup said.

"Yeah babe. The last time you'll ever see me." Jack smirked.

"First of all don't call me that, and second you'll move from Burgess to Michigan. You can go here whenever you want." Elsa with annoyance. Jack laughed and walked over to her.

"Awe, my baby girl mad cause I'm leaving." Jack said pinching Elsa's cheeks. Elsa's cheeks started to burn up in embarrassment.

"Stop calling me names!" Elaa slapped his hand away.

Their friends looked at them with a cheeky grin. They called their selves "jelsa shippers" because they always liked the idea of Jack and Elsa being couples.

All of them would often tease the two, of course Jack likes that considering he likes Elsa.

But Elsa doesn't because she and Jack never gets along.

"Awe. She's blushing!" Jack smirked. Elda glared at him.

"That's cause you pinched my cheek idiot!" She said.

Even though the two are already fighting, their friends watched them as if their just watching a film at the television.

They would actually tease them for "fighting like an old married couple."

"Stop popping my personal bubble Frost! Ever heard of the word 'personal space?'" Elsa said pushing him away.

"Nope." Jack smirked leaning closer to her making Anna and Tina squeal.

Elsa cleared her throat and pushed Jack away. "This is called personal space. And you are to keep away from it and be far as possible." Elsa said making an imaginary line.

Jack smirked and stepped forward again to get near her.

"Hepepep, you crossed the line." Elsa said with a warning tone. But that didn't stop Jack from stepping nearer and nearer while Elsa stepped backwards.

Each person in the room has their eyes on the two, all smirking.

"Um, don't you think we should give them space?" Anna whispered with a goofy grin, more like shouted since she could barely contain her excitement.

"What?! Don't you dare leave!" Elsa glared running to them. Jack laughed and grabbed her hand.

Anna squealed and started dragging Elsa and Jack to a room. "Give. Them. Space!" Anna said while excitedly exiting the door.

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