Notes of a Semi Hopeless Romantic Guy

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Short Description: (E & J)

This is an excerpt from my book in my other account PaintingPainThings which is about Ezekiel's note about how he handles his lovelife with anxiety.


how it always starts.

Have you ever experienced thinking that your conspiracies are actually true? That they are more than unproven facts that wandered in your mind? And have you experienced realizing that conspiracy was actually not true and really far from reality? You know, like it felt so right in your head but it wasn't quite. It's like reality hitting you straight on the face.

That's how it starts. That's how it always started.

Untitled Note (1)

She's nice. I don't know if it's just me but I can really tell she is nice. So nice.

So note to self: don't get too wrapped up in your imaginations this time or you'll drift away from reality and find yourself stuck repeating the past. She's nice, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't push it too much.

Untitled Note (2)

She texted me. Well, replied to my text. But it took her such a long time. She may be telling the truth about how she's not online much or she didn't really want to talk to me then. But it didn't take her that long as the others, it wasn't a month long wait.

I'm pathetic, getting pumped up about a simple "hello" from her. She just said hello, no big deal. Isn't it normal to reply to someone you know?

I don't know if I should consider myself lucky that I didn't see her message right away or not. I probably am, I had a reason why I haven't replied yet because of that.

But should I reply? What do you even reply to hello? Start a conversation like a normal person? Look up conversation starters in the internet?

Being socially awkward is such a pain in the neck. If only I wasn't like this I'd be closer to more people.

But this is my chance. If I reply then I'll gain a new friend.


Will I wait that long for a reply again?

Am I expecting too much again?

Maybe I'll just be better off being a shut-in after all.

Untitled Note (3)

So she replies faster this time, don't think too much about it. She likes things that I do too, and that's nice. I have a new friend now.

It's been a while.

She's not like the other girls that I used to talk to, instead of talking too much about herself she asks me about things too.

Is she interested in me or is she just being considerate and letting me share things about myself so I don't think she's some sort of egotistical person? I don't know. Maybe.

I read between the lines too much.

Don't read between the line too much. Maybe there are no ulterior motives, I can't just go assuming things before I get enough evidence. What if what she says is what she meant.

She enjoys talking to me, that's all.

That's probably all that it will ever be.

Untitled Note (7)

I didn't play much piano, but she inspired me to. She kept telling me to keep practicing so we can play together sometime. I know it might not happen but there's also the possibility of it happening.

She told he the piece she was practicing at the time was Beethoven's Spring Sonata, 1st movement. Sometimes she sends me 10 if not 15 second clips of her playing, just to let me hear which part of the song was she practicing.

I must admit, she never ceases to amaze me. She's great in playing, not the same level as professionals though but as someone who once tried violin I'm impressed.

To-do list

□ wake up early
□ practice piano
□ try to send her a video of myself playing
□ don't make myself look bad
don't mess it up

The music sheet is already downloaded and printed. Everything is set up for tomorrow.

□ Find a mask that can hide my face if possible so I don't have to record my face

Fck I can't sight read

Untitled Note (11)

She complimented my playing, I sucked but she still complimented me.

Though I'm not that great in playing the piano yet she still insists on us playing together, me on the piano and her on violin. I'm excited for that day, I'll practice everyday from now on.

Talent show

Just when I thought there was nothing that can top her overall niceness, I just witnessed her win a talent show with her singing. She tried talking me to participate with her and play the piano while she played the violin but she ended up signing up solo because I was too stubborn to say yes.

Well, we probably wouldn't have won with that anyway.

But I wonder what if I said yes, would she have fun just participating without winning? I can imagine she'll be like "It's okay that we lost don't feel too bad about it, I enjoyed playing with you and that's what matters".

God, if she said that it'll end me. I'm already deep in the rabbit hole and she's going to make me fall even deeper if she says that. I'll die of embarrassment and happiness. Though just watching her earlier I know I already did fall deeper.


I just realized that my main characters here are still E and J in initials, only this time the E is the boy lol.

What do you guys thing about it?

The full version is in my other account PaintingPainThings feel free to check it out if you're interested! (Yes it's now completed)

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