Daydream [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Jack and Elsa)

Tutoring session between the two

Sugarcoat Everything # 3


Last night I had an odd dream. You were there. It was so weird that it kept me wondering all day. I couldn't remember what it was about exactly but I was sure you were there.

"Hey, don't space out while I'm talking." Jack waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I laughed before looking back at the piece of paper handed out to me.

"You told me this wasn't taught by your teacher so you better pay attention." Jack scolded.

"I know, but just earlier you were doing the same thing though." I glared. This was something we've been doing for a while, I go to his house to teach him the stuff our teacher taught us that he doesn't understand and he returns the favor to me by helping me in studying ahead.

We go to a different school but since we're talking the same subjects (because he insisted that he wants to take the same course I'm taking) we relate to what topics we're going to have. Their school is much advanced than ours because they move on to a different topic faster than we do. He complains how it's better to self-study because their facilitator doesn't really explain the topics that well. And that is why he begged me to teach them to him.

I sometimes end up advance reading because of him, but it's odd that I get it more than he does even though the topic was introduced to them first. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a fast learner or he just really doesn't pay attention in his classes.

"I was listening though, you aren't." Jack complained. Sometimes I just want to hit this guy's face because earlier when I was the one teaching him the lesson he'd pick up an instrument and force me to sing, his reason? He always plays instrument and no one sings when he does, he says I should sing for a change of pace.

"You know what? I think I'm good. We'll get to that topic anyway." I said standing up from the chair and heading to their living room where the television was turned on without anyone watching. What a waste of electricity. I wonder how high their bill is.

"I'm bored." Jack trailed behind me. He went up to his favorite instrument, the piano and started playing. Even though I hated to admit it, he is actually good. He's already better than me despite the fact that he just used to ask me about pianos.

"And I'm sleepy." I told him slouching on their chair.

"Then sleep there." He said so casually it was kind of scary. Not that we don't talk casually, it's just that he would usually say "that's your fault for staying up so late" or something like that. Instead of actually doing what he said I instead stood up and walked back to the table where our notebooks were.

"Sleepy." I whined once more just to annoy him.

"Go to the couch then." He stopped playing making me look at him.

Jack raised an eyebrow and stood up. He went to the couch then gave me a glare, I just glared back. There was a short staring contest that happened between us before he gave up then turned his attention to the TV. I just buried my face on my arms that was on the table.

I heard Jack sigh so I turned my attention to him, as soon as he noticed me looking he patted the seat next to him. I just buried my face again making him laugh. "You know for someone who claims to be mature you're pretty childish."

"Shut up." I groaned, but after a few minutes I gave in since the chair I was sitting on was a bit uncomfortable. I sat beside him making him smile a bit; that earned a glare since I hate it when he looks at me like that. That smug look on his face makes me so annoyed. "Not a word from you Frost." I told him before turning my attention to the TV screen.

I heard him laugh before I felt his hand slowly make my head tilt to his shoulder. "How's that?" He asked. "Your shoulder will feel numb because of this." I told him. He didn't say anything, instead, he titled his head towards mine, resting his head on mine.

This somehow felt nostalgic. No, not nostalgic, it felt like it happen recently. As my eyes started closing slowly that's when I realized it was because I just saw it in my dream. The dream I had last night when I saw him.

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