Found you [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

Inspired by the last 2 episodes of White Album 2


"Hey, this is Jack. I'm not home right now so just leave a message." Jack's answering machine said.

Lies, he was actually at home; laying lazily on his bed as he stared at nothingness.

"Hey Jack, it's Elsa." The other line said. And those 4 words were enough to make him run his way to the phone.

"Elsa?" He answered excitedly.

"Hi." She replied.

"Hey where are you? How've you been? I haven't heard a lot about you lately. You seem busy." He said.

"Yeah." Elsa replied in a sad tone.

"You stopped hanging out with us. How come? I thought we'd always be together? All four of us. But you've become so.... distant." Jack said his smile turning to a frown.

"I'm sorry." Elsa said.

"Where are you?" Jack repeated his question.

"Somewhere far." Elsa resisted the urge to cry. "Jack. I'm sorry okay."

"So you have left." Jack replied a bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I know it's stupid. I should've told you guys earlier." She said looking down, even though she knows Jack won't see her.

Jack's grip on the phone tightened. He felt guilt gushing over him. Like it was all his fault that all this happened.

"Yeah, you should've." Jack said with a tint of anger found in the tone of his voice.

"I'm sorry." Elsa kept saying.

Jack had his phone on his hand, the call was still continuing. But both we're silent. Jack went near his window.

"It's snowing pretty hard tonight." Jack said as he looked through the window.

Elsa smiled and looked around her. "Yeah. It is."

Her eyes landed on a certain window pane and ended up smiling. Though in a great distance, she knew he was staring out that window.

Turns out she wasn't as far away as they thought. She hasn't left. At least not yet. She just had to say goodbye.

"Snow." Jack muttered and leaned his head lazily to his window, looking down.

"We had good times with the snow." Elsa said.

"Yeah." Jack said as he felt a small pinch in his heart. He stared closely outside, though it pained him to see the thing that reminded him of Elsa most.

"I'll never forget those memories Jack. They'll forever be with me." Elsa smiled.

Jack couldn't think of what to say. The thought of Elsa in his mind has already made him hallucinate that she was actually around.

"This might be the last time we ever talk to each other again Jack. So might as well tell me what you want to say." She said pursing her lip.

"What would you do if I ever find you?" Jack asked as he stared in the open.

"Well, I don't know...... I honestly don't." Elsa paused. "Well I mean that's impossible anyways since I'm so far away. But I'd probably do things I'd regret."

Jack saw it as a sign. He ran downstairs as fast as he can.

"Why are you even asking this? I mean don't you have like any goodbye wishes or anything?" Elsa asked. "Maybe recalling those memories we shared? Or maybe-"

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