Cinderelsa [ jelsa ]

404 17 0

Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

This time, it's not a a slipper that she loses.


"Ball?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah, masquerade ball. It's next week are you coming?" Hiccup asked. I laughed.

"Nope. No intentions." I said proudly.

"But you're nominated as prom king and I'm pretty sure you're gonna win Jack so might as well go." He insisted. I just shook my head.

"I never asked to be nominated." I complained.

"Prom king?" Mom popped out of nowhere.

"Mom I already told you I'm not coming." I said annoyed.

"Nonsense, this opportunity only comes once so-"

"I was nominated countless of times and never came so why bother?" I asked scratching my nape out of annoyance.

"This is your last year so whether you like it or not I will make you come." Mom said strictly. I groaned and laid down on my bed.

"No escape." Hiccup grinned.


"This is ridiculous." I said looking around.

Hiccup laughed. "When will you learn to appreciate things more?"

"I don't know, when I'm actually happy about doing this?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't see the sense of having a mask if only covers half your face." I ranted.

"Is that why you're not wearing one?" Hiccup asked.

"Shut up you aren't either!" I elbowed him as we walked to the door.

"Says who?" Hiccup grinned as he pulled out a mask from his tux. A full mask.

"Hic, you look so darn ridiculous." I laughed.

"At least no one will recognize me now." Hiccup said proudly. I can now see the reason why they chose masks that cover only half your face for balls like this.

"Hiccup I could recognize you by voice." I rolled my eyes.

"It's muffled so half of the people I'll talk to won't notice." He bragged.

"Hic that's the dumbest thing you've said by far today." I said. He just laughed.

"Welp, I best be on my way!" He said before running off somewhere. So much for being with me in the ball.

I groaned and just headed out of the room, accidentally bumping to someone.

"Oh no." She muttered hiding her face. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I replied.

"Thank you." She bowed before running away. I noticed that she left something.

"Hey!" I called out. She only stopped running but didn't look back. "You left your mask!" I picked it up.

"Don't worry. I have a spare that's similar to it." She tilted her head a bit showing me half her face, she smiled then continued to run.


Since the mask was basically unisex and it goes with my suit I wore it.

There's something about the girl earlier. After I bumped to her she hasn't left my mind. A flashback when I saw that smile on her face suddenly started.

I groaned and scratched my nape. I have to find this girl.

I took off the mask then stared at it for a long while.

I will find you.

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