I See You [ jelsa ]

285 17 4

Short Description: (Jack and Elsa)

"I'm not my brother."

Jack didn't intend to make Elsa hear it. He didn't mean what he said. He knew it was the truth but it hurt him too, it hurt that it was true.

Part two of ICU.


"How long are you going to keep this up?" A so-called friend of Jack asked him.

"None of your business." Jack said grumpily. He hasn't talked to them since the last time they mocked him for the decision he made. Jack was just thankful they haven't ratted him out yet.

"Don't you get tired?"

Jack glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He was prepared to hear something about getting tired of taking care of Elsa or maybe just Elsa in general, he was prepared to answer that with something that would shut them up but he wasn't prepared of the question that was actually asked.

"About being the one hurting most?"

Jack was dumbfounded. He never expected that to come from someone you could easily label as a jerk. He always thought he never cared, he was wrong.

"Feeling pity on me again?" Jack asked.

"No, I'm just worried about my friend."

"Funny, that's not how it felt like a couple of weeks ago."


"Look Jude, I don't need another person's pity."

"Jude?" He was taken aback, Jack almost never calls him by his name. It was always Pitch, everyone called him that, even people who aren't his friends.

"I don't have time for this." Jack was about to walk away till Pitch called out to him.

"When are you going to stop pretending to be your dead brother? You always spend time with Elsa that you even neglected your friends. Thia, Bunny, North, Sandy, they're all asking about you. They're all trying to reach out to you but they felt bad that if they pointed that out to you you'd see them as the bad guy."

"So you came here to become a good guy then? So you can use this as an excuse to say I tried and you saved their asses from facing misery?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know what you're trying to do. You're using me to reclaim your place at the group. Guess what, you can have mine. I don't even care anymore."

Pitch chuckled. "That's the thing. All you care about is Elsa, you don't care about anything else. I'm already the bad guy. I can't change that. I'm just trying to save you from doing the same mistake I did." He sighed. "We're all worried and of all the people here you're the only one I can talk to so it's..."

"Worried... everyone seems to like saying that to me. Am I that troublesome?" Jack asked rather sarcastically.

"What you're in is troublesome."


The room fell silent.

"Can't you at least let me have this for a little longer?"


Elsa was in her room, as usual. It was part of her daily schedule, she just sat there silently almost like meditating. A knock on the door interrupted that silence and a smile crept to her face instantly. "It's open." She said.

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