sound of the rain [ jelsa ]

202 13 15

Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

It's 3am, I'm sick and it's raining. Are you awake?


I stared blankly at the ceiling as I listened to the rain that shows no signs of stopping at the moment.

Normally I'd be asleep by now. But I have a cold, I can't really breathe through my other nostrils and it is really bothering me.

I already fell asleep earlier, 7:40 pm to be exact, but it seems my broken body clock sensed an anomaly and noticed that I was not wide awake at 1am.

What a joke.

I have yet changed from my pajamas, which is probably why I feel cold. Although it could be just my cold alone being the reason. Either way, boxers aren't something I should be wearing to sleep when I'm sick.

I quickly slipped on some comfortable clothes and my trusty hoodie and went back to bed.

Just to make sure, I checked the time on my phone. 1:42 am. Besides that it showed notifications from various group chats from school and a single text message from a familiar contact name.

From: Els ❄
Was it just me or did your voice sound a bit deeper earlier?
It was just me wasn't it lol

I let out a small chuckle, how do you even notice that through an 11 minute call when 90% of the call was just dead silence?

I unknowingly swiped away the other messages and clicked on hers instead.

To: Els
It's just you for sure

I replied without ever checking what time she even sent that message or thinking if she was still onlime

To: Els
Sorry, just woke up from a short nap

Short nap my ass. No person would take a short nap at 7 pm, specially if you want to wake up at 1 am which is a problem on itself. Why bother waking up at 1 am just to stare at the ceiling?

God this cold is killing me, and not even on the way I thought it would've.

Do colds normally make you rethink life decisions?

To: Els
It's raining right now here
It sounds really nice
Very calming
I think i found peace
I want to record it and listen to it when i sleep
If its not raining anymore

I mindlessly messaged her as if she was awake. She's probably used to it. Probably. I mean she should be, I'm only doing what she used to do.

Waking up being bombarded by her messages is not really a new thing for me.

Maybe it's just her thing? Leaving lots of messages to people she talks to.

Knowing Elsa she probably would reply if she knows the person is not online anymore just to avoid a long conversation.

Did she send it knowing I was asleep though?

I then checked the time of when I recieved the message. 6:48 pm.

I guess that was my bad. That was literally a few minutes after our call. Yep, I'm bad at this.

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