Scarves and Jackets [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

Warning: cursing and teenage angst


"Did you hear? He got into a fight again."

"Apparently he lost his scholarship."

"Yeah, I heard he's going to get expelled."

This was all I could hear. I couldn't stand it.

"He's been a mess lately, maybe it's for his own good."

"I'd be ashamed to go back even if I wasn't expelled."

Stop it.

"Washed up straight A student. He has it rough."

"I guess the pressure was too much for him."

This was it. I had enough. It was a good thing that classes were already over. I tried my best to ignore everyone else and ran away from them.

I stopped at a house just a couple of blocks away from school. My shaky hands slowly positioned itself for a knock but then I stopped before it made contact.

It was awfully quiet. It was disturbing. No sound of the television, radio or even a phone. The lights weren't on either.

I guess no one's home.

I sighed and just sat down the stairs near their front door, staring at the snow that covered the place. I sat there and waited.

It wasn't long until a car arrived. A blue old run-down car that somehow still works. The moment the door opened I caught a glimpse of a familiar brown hair.

I was tempted to call out until our eyes met for a split second.

He knows I'm here. That's good enough.

Or so that's what I thought. I stared at him as he walked pass me, not even acknowledging the fact that I was right behind him.

The sound of keys broke the silence as he tried to open his door. I just stayed on my place, watching him as he struggled to find the key.

Then there was a click and the door was finally open. That was when I realized I had to speak now.

Before he could go in I called out his name. "Jack..."

He paused for a moment but didn't look back.

"Please, I... need to be alone right now." He said. I stood up and ran to the door before he could close it.

"Wait." I stopped him from closing the door.

He sighed and opened the door. One thing I noticed though was that he was avoiding my gaze. I went in and closed the door after.

I removed my scarf and jacket and put it down on a sofa near me. Jack, who was looking away, still haven't took his off yet. That's odd, it's not even cold in here.

"Let me help you with-"

"No thanks." He said almost too quickly, backing away before I could touch his scarf. Again for a small moment he finally faced me but looked away instantly. "It's okay, I'm comfortable this way." He said pulling his scarf to cover his cheek.

"Jack look at me." I told him. He didn't budge, he just kept looking away.

I moved a bit to see the other side of his face but he also moved to prevent me from seeing it.

"Elsa I know that you know already. I have a bruise on my left cheek and I don't want you to see it." He said deciding to face backwards.

"Jack let me see your hand." I told him.

He shook his head. "I don't want you to see it." That was all he said. I sighed, getting confirmation of what I thought he was doing.

I didn't know what to do by now, I always never did. When I'm around people I'm awkward, whether it be just one person or many people.

"I'm sorry." I told him hugging him from behind.

"It's not your fault." He said.

"I'm sorry." I repeated.

"It was my fault not yours." He said. I could feel him starting to shiver despite the fact that he's wearing warm clothes. He's about to break down.

"It's okay. I'm here now." I hugged him a bit tighter. I felt him remove my hand that was around him making me panic a bit until he finally faced me then engulfed me to a hug.

"It was my fault." He said. I could hear him choking back his tears. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I did this to myself."

"I'm sorry." I said once more.

"Why do you keep saying that?" He asked.

"Because I wasn't there when you were going through all that... shit. I should've noticed sooner." I rarely cussed, it was Jack who always did. I hated it when people cursed, but I even so I tend do it too and I hate it after I do. "You..." I sighed, not knowing what to say next.

"I didn't tell you." He said. "I couldn't because I knew you'd worry too much."

I pulled away from the hug. "Jack whether or not you tell me sooner or later, I'm still going to worry." I told him. "I could've helped you."

"It was a family matter, you didn't have to stress about it." Jack reasoned.

"Jack your family is like family to me too, so I might not be as worried as you are but I still am." I told him. "I know a thing or two about losing a family member." I looked down.

I saw his hand reach out to mine, he was about to retract it but I held on to it. His jacket slid down a bit giving me a glimpse of what he wanted me to not see. It was a lot of small thin lines that looks like it has been freshly cut. Some looks like it's been cut deep.

I gripped on his hand accidentally while I tried hard to not stare. He noticed where I was looking so he used his other hand to pull his jacket to cover his wrist. I could see him wince a little.

It was then when I had a good look on the bruised part of his face. It had a green-ish edge to it which means it was already starting to heal.

I pulled him for another hug. "I'm here now okay?"

I felt him hug back then whispered, "okay".

For a while we stayed like that until I could hear his very quiet sobbing. He was trying to choke it back but his sniffing was still audible. I gently pat him as an instinct, whenever I see anyone cry I felt like patting them was only natural.

I felt his grip on my get tighter. The sobbing sounds lessened, then I heard him sniff. "I missed you." He said quite quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"Me too." I replied to him. After that he just broke down, he stopped trying to hold himself back.

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