Verse Two [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Elsa and Jack)

"You're my everything..."

My Playlist (Songfic collection)

Song 1: Furaregai Girl by Sayuri


TO: Jack

FROM: Elsa

All those promises you made that I believed like a fool are now just scattered on the floor. I feel like I'm trapped. Whenever I step on one it would hurt so much, all those memories with you will come crashing back to me and it hurts.

I still remember the sweet things you'd tell me, "You're everything to me." You'd always tell me that, but now I wonder if it's just a trend that you're following.

I wonder if you're only saying that to keep with the times.

I wonder if you whisper "sometimes" under your breath right before that line.

But despite that I'll believe you.

Even if it's true, I don't care anymore.

Remember that ugly dress you gave me? I'm wearing it right now, and I'm waiting for you like a good girl. I'm still waiting for you.

I'd be fine if you dump me, but there won't be a second chance if it really did happen. Tell me if that's what's happening. Don't just leave me here waiting like a fool.

Are you satisfied now? Tell me it's already time to unveil this lame joke.

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