The Life You Deserve [ jelsa ]

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Short Description: (Jack & Elsa)

Elsa runs away from home just to be with her true love because her family wasn't really fond of him. But who could blame them? He is a criminal after all. A thief as others would say.

But that didn't become a reason for Elsa to stop loving Jack.

Their main problem now is how the two of them will be able to live because in their situation, it has got to be pretty hard.


"Good night love." I gently kissed Elsa's cheek as I lay down on our wooden, not so comfortable bed.

"Good night." She smiled.

I stared at her as she hugged her bag full of clothes, that was used as a pillow, with a smile.

"I love you." I whispered to her. I saw her smile. "I love you too." She replied.

I chuckled and kissed her cheek once more. And then looked up the ceiling of this old abandoned cabin in the woods that we decided to live at.

I sighed as a cold breeze go through the open windows of this cabin, blowing the light of our candle off.

"Elsa." I called her. She just hummed in response, pulling the sheets closer to cover her shivering body. Good thing she thought about bringing blankets.

"Aren't you tired of this pathetic life I'm giving you?" I said as I frowned.

This girl doesn't deserve this kind of life. She doesn't deserve a guy like me. She deserves the life she once had, she might not have been the richest girl in town but she had a good life living at a real house, being able to eat delicious food, enjoying her life as a 17 year old.

"No. Of course not. I love it here." She said looking at me closely with a smile.

"Really?" I asked. She just smiled and hugged me tightly. "Really."

I sighed deeply one more time as she snuggled in closer to me.

Tomorrow is her 18th birthday. And I can't afford to let her down by not giving her her dream birthday party. It's her debut! I won't let her experience a debut like mine that was celebrated a month ago by roasting a pigeon I successfully hit with an arrow.

She wanted cakes for her debut, balloons everywhere, princess gown, tiara. She wanted an icy fantacy party for her 18th birthday. But I can't afford that. I can't even afford condiments for our everyday meals.

"Are you cold Elsa? Do you want me to close the window? Or should I move the bed closer to the fireplace?" I asked as I noticed her covering herself more with the blanket.

"Yeah you should probably close the window." She laughed.

"What should I light the candle too?" I asked as i stood up from the bed.

"Nah. I'm good. The moon's bright tonight." She said.

"Alright." I just replied as I closed the windows and then went beside her, hugging her tightly like I'm gonna lose her.

She giggled and hugged me back, burying her face on my chest. "Good night Jack." She said.

"Yeah. Goodnight." I replied.

"I love you." She said once more. "I love you too." I said kissing her head.

"Good morning!" Elsa greeted as she got up from bed. I quickly hid my satchel on the chest and smiled.

"Morning." I said. "Happy birthday Elsa."

She just laughed. "Can you believe I'm already 18? It feels amazing." She said.

I just laughed too. "Why don't you just go out and see what I've prepared for you on your special day?" I smiled widely.

"You didn't have to." Elsa smiled as she walked out the door with me.

"Wow." She said as she started at the table I've set up. It wasn't much, I guess the only reason why she said wow was the potted blueberry bush on the middle of it.

"It even bears fruits already!" She said enthusiastically.

"So, let's eat?" I asked as I lifted the lid that covered the roasted fish.

"Woah." She said amazed. "Where'd you get it?"

"By the lake." I smiled.

"It smells wonderful." She said. "How'd you manage time to prepare all this?" She asked.

"I had plenty of time. And just to let you know, it's already 11 am." I laughed.

"I slept for that long?!" She asked shocked. I just laughed. "Yeah."

"What time did you wake up?" She asked after taking a small bite on the fish. Her hand gripping on the stick I skewered it to.

"Around 4." I said also starting to eat. "What? That early?" She said shocked.

"Yeah." I just replied. For a while we stayed silent as we ate.

"Hey Elsa." I called. She just hummed in response. "I have a surprise for you." I said standing up with a wide grin.

I quickly went inside to get my satchel and brought out a small bracelet. It wasn't really that much, it didn't have that small details and all that. It was a plain one, it had a small letter "e" on it which made it look a bit special.

"Here." I said putting it on her.

"Jack it's wonderful." Elsa said smiling widely. "Where'd you get it?"

I stayed silent for a while. Feeling bad.

"Jack, you didn't steal this right?" She said worried. I just pursed my lip.

"Jack I thought you wouldn't do this anymore. You promised, no more stealing from anybody wh-"

"I just wanted to give you something special for you birthday. I-"

"Jack I told you already. I'm good. You didn't have to. Plus you know how I hate it when you do bad things." Elsa said.

I looked down. "I'm sorry. I know it's stupid. I'm stupid. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for ruining your birthday." I said. I could see her eyes is already watery.

"Jack I feel like I'm being such a bad influence to you. If I'm gonna be the reason for you to revert back to your bad ways then I might as well go." She said as her voice cracked.

"What? No. Elsa. I just- I'm sorry. I promise it will never ever happen again. Just don't leave me please." I knelt, almost crying.

"Promise?" She asked. "Promise." I replied reluctantly nodding.

"Okay, but Jack please give this back to whoever you got this from." Elsa said.

"But I don't think he deserves it." I reasoned.

"Jack how would-"

"This bracelet is owned by Emma. It was a her most priced possession. And when she died, it was left to my so-called brother-in-law. He didn't even take care of it like Emma would. He always left it lying on their house." I explained.

"And you'd give it to me?" Elsa said smiling.

"Of course, cause I know you'll take care of it." I said. "Like how Emma would take care of it. Like how you took care of me."

"That's...... .that's sweet Jack." She replied. "You know what. I'll keep it. And take care of it."

"Thank you Jack." She said. "For..... everything." She smiled.

"And thank you too." I said smiling widely hugging her.

"For what?" She asked.

"I wanna say everything but you already took my line." I laughed.

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