Cinema [ meridashi ]

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Short description: (Tadashi & Merida)

Destiny did its job and made 2 lucky souls meet up in the most unusual way.

Warning: contains swearing


"What?!" I practically screamed on the phone. "But I already bought you tickets!"

"Sorry Mer, I promise we'll be there. Just wait for a couple of minutes and we'll be there." Anna said from the other line. I could hear Sarah, aka Bubbles (we call her that cause she is like Bubbles from Powerpuff girls, except with green eyes) squealing constantly.

"Seriously? You could've told me you went to the book store. I can wait for any more minutes, it's about to start and I don't wanna miss it." I groaned.

"Yeah well Bubbles here kept pulling me to the bookstore. I'm telling you it's only a couple more minutes. We're just trying to find the last book to complete my collection of the maze runner." Anna said.

"Oh my gosh they have manga here?!" I heard Bubbles squeal. I honestly don't know how I'm friends with them.

"At least tell Elsa to come pick your tickets, I gotta go in. They're gonna start playing it in 5 minutes." I said.

"Yeah yeah. We'll go get it." Anna groaned.

And they all went here. I raised my eyebrow to them with a crossed arm. "Who's holding your line?" I asked.

"Wait, how come we didn't think of that?" Anna muttered.

"Well, that's your problem now. I'm seeing this movie and no one's stopping me. You guys better show up early so I don't look like an idiot watching a movie alone." I said.

"We know Mer. Just text us where you'll sit so we'll know where to find you." Anna said before they all went back to the bookstore.

"Okay, cinema number 3." I stared at my ticket. Finally I'm gonna see the movie. Ever since I saw Deadpool's trailer I vowed that I would watch it.

I looked at the direction of the location and saw a tall guy wearing a white shirt and a cap.

"Dashi!" I called out running to him. Oh great, someone I know. Maybe I can sit with him so I'm not sitting alone, or at least not sitting beside a stranger. He smirked and looked at me.

"You're gonna see it too huh?" He asked handing his ticket to the lady. I handed mine too and we entered at the same time.

"Well duh, I'm the one who told you about it and it would be such a shame if you'd see it and I won't." I said nudging his side. He just laughed.

"So, who're you with?" I asked.

"Well, I went to the mall with my brother and when we went here to watch a movie he chose a different one so he's on cinema 2 I think." He explained.

I could already hear the loud speakers as they played some trailers and such. Just a couple more minutes and the movie's gonna start.

"Well, I am definitely going to sit with you since my friends ditched me." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "What? I don't like sitting with strangers, at least I know you. A bit."

"Where are your friends exactly?" He asked as we went up the stairs to find a good seat.

"They're at a bookstore and they said they'll be here in a couple of minutes, I doubt that." I replied sitting on a chair that was on the middle part of the place. The usual spot me, Anna and Elsa sits on when we see a movie.

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