That Night [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

After a rough night, Elsa wakes up in a completely unfamiliar place owned by a white haired guy named Jack. This meeting will change her life forever.

Warning: Contains swearing


I yawned loudly before opening my eyes, sitting up in the process. I began rubbing my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Great, the sun's already up.

My eyebrows instantly furrowed when I noticed I wasn't in my room. This place doesn't seem familiar in any way at all. I quickly scanned the room, starting to panic.

"Shit." I muttered as I saw a topless white haired guy beside me. I quickly checked if I was wearing clothes, and thankfully I was.

I sighed in relief before plopping back to the bed.

"Oh great, you're awake." A deep voice said making my whole body freeze up.

"Uh. Yeah I am." I said nervously facing him. He had blue eyes, pale skin and an incredibly gorgeous smile.

"Awesome. So, did you sleep well last night?" He asked.

I was feeling rather uncomfortable right now, knowing I'm right here in an unfamiliar room. With a topless man that I can't or don't even remember knowing.

"Uh. Yeah I guess?" I said. Even though I was as probably going to stutter I still asked. "Umm.. w-what happened last night?"

"Oh, you don't remember?" He laughed.

Oh God. Please don't tell me something bad happened between us. Even though this guy is very hot I still wanna know I never did anything with him.

"Uh.." I only spoke.

"Hangover huh? You were pretty wild last night, you literally screamed. I bet the neighbors even heard it." He said still laughing.

Shoot. Tell me those are just bad choice of words. Please.

"Uh, my head hurts a bit so yeah. It may be hangover." I said.

"May? May be hangover? That is hangover. You drank so many shots there at the bar. You couldn't even walk straight last night when I brought you here." He said.

"I'm sorry but I really can't remember anything from last night. Will you mind telling me?" I said awkwardly.

"Well, I first saw you at the bar. You were already drunk that time. You even thought I was a cabbie. I kept asking where you live and you only answered 'at my house' so I didn't know where to take you." He started. He scratched the back of his neck before laughing once more. In a nervous kind of way. "Don't worry, nothing else happened after when I took you here."

"Except for when you were screaming words, well, actually those weren't even words, and you puked on me...... twice." He said.

My eyes widened. Great, meet a really hot guy while I'm drunk and puke on him. What a plan Elsa.

"I didn't bother to change the second time." He laughed nervously and scratched his nape.

"Oh." I laughed nervously. "Sorry."

"Nah it's okay." He said. "I'm gonna get you something to drink. Do you drink coffee?"

"Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"Would you like to stay here to sleep or..." he said not knowing what to say.

"Actually I think I had enough sleep." I said standing up.

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