lifeline [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack & Elsa)

Modern AU where Jack is a spirit


I never thought I would see her again, at least not in this timeline.

Not in her most recent reincarnation.

Destiny really likes playing games with me. When I'm doing my best at trying to find her she's nowhere to be found, but just when I'm about to give up she suddenly shows up.

What sucks here is that she doesn't believe in me though.

She didn't grow up hearing the tales of Jack Frost so there's no way she'd believe that there's a winter spirit that brings snow days (and blizzards but I try not to bring much of those too much). I guess one of the few things to not like about me is the blizzards I bring.

"Thank you for coming." I heard the man tell Elsa after handing her a package she ordered.

Oh, she has her name tag still on her. Let's see how far off is her name from Elizabeth this time.

"Freya, I almost didn't recognize you!" Someone suddenly came up and hugged Elsa. Huh, so far the farthest from Elizabeth. Interesting.

"Alice! Wow, I'd say the same for you." She replied eyeing the person she was talking to.

So far none of the people Elsa's interacted with are people who look like reincarnations of people she's been associated with before. I'll take that as a good thing.

"You didn't come to the reunion, I was hoping to see you there." Alice said.

"Well, I've been busy and the venue was so far from here..."

Their voices seemed to began to muffle as I slowly lose interest in what they were talking about. Despite that though, my eyes didn't stray far from her. And for a moment I thought I saw her look at me, then realizing it was just someone behind me she was looking at.

"Jayce, where have you been?" I heard her say with a huge grin as the man ran towards her.

"I got these." The guy waved a wrapped up gift before sliding his arms on Elsa's, or should I say Freya's waist.

"I see you two are still together then." The girl with Elsa gave the two a look.

"7 years and counting." The guy bragged. I felt a small sting on my chest but I shrugged it off.

I see she already found the one in this timeline. Or at least when I found her in this timeline.

I sighed and flew off. At the corner of my eye I saw Jayce embrace Elsa as the three of them laughed.


I swore to myself I won't go back there, not when I already know what I'll expect. I expected to not see her, and I also expected that if I ever do she'll be with her... lover.

"7 years and counting." I remembered him say. I can beat that. I've known her longer than you ever had. Heck I even know her past selves.

I shook my head and took deep breaths. What am I even getting so worked up about?

This has happened before.

This has happened many many times before.

She grows up, find a man and eventually forget about me.

I felt my feet landing down freshly fallen snow, ignoring the people that passed through me literally.

"Excuse me." Someone said bumping to me. My eyes widened and looked for the person who did and saw Jayce giving me an apologetic look. He gave another sorry before rushing off somewhere.

He can see me?

I then trailed him, in hopes of confirming he actually believes in me. And also hoping she does as well. My heart pounded in my chest as I followed the rushing man.

Even after practically spying on the two, I learned nothing about their knowledge of me. Neither of them even acknowledged my presence. I guess he bumped to an actual person that time and I mistook it to him seeing me.

And just as I was about to fly off once more, I heard someone call out.

"Hey!" I stopped on my tracks, unsure if it was me being called or somebody else. I turned around, hoping it was me.

Their eyes are staring directly to me, well Elsa was glancing at Jayce multiple times but she sometimes glances at me too. I turned around to check for someone else but it was already late and not much people were around.

"You... you're Jack Frost aren't you?" Jayce's eyes lit up as he stared at me head to toe. "You look just as my grandma described you!"

I saw his genuine excitement upon seeing me. Honestly, I feel bad for not being able to return that excitement of being seen. Destiny can be a pain sometimes. So it was him that grew up with the Jack Frost stories then.

"Yep, it's me Jack Frost in the flesh." I gave him a grin as I awkwardly posed with my staff.

Jayce looked back at Elsa then at me before rushing his way to me. "I heard you can fly! Is it true?" He asked.

"Well, sort of. I just let the wind take me places." I simply answered.

He looked like a kid who's in a candy store as he went on and on about the questions even though he was recieving odd looks from everyone who passed by.

"I'm guessing your grandmother forgot to tell you that I'm practically invisible to those who don't believe in me?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "I'm well aware. But it doesn't matter as long as I don't look stupid in front of her." Jayce looked at Elsa who just smiled back.

"She believes in the things I believe in and that's good enough for me." He said with a genuine smile.

She walked over to us and linked her arms with Jayce. "You believe in me too that's why." She said.

I stared at the two, not knowing what to say. I softly chuckled to myself shaking my head. This one's a keeper then Elsa. I should stop worrying over nothing.

"Sorry, got a little sappy there." Jayce tried to laugh off his blushing cheeks.

"Well, I am sort of interrupting something. Sorry for bothering your date your two." I waved my hand. "I shall be taking my leave, I'm needed elsewhere." I said jokingly bowing my head before flying off.

I could see the two waving their hands goodbye. This seems familiar too.

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