DeJamais Vu [ multicouples]

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Short description: (Elsa, Jack, Rapunzel, Flynn/Eugene, Tadashi & Honeylemon)

What is deja vu?

We all know it as the repetition of something that happened before. An oddly familiar scene that played again not just in your mind.

What is jamais vu?

The complete opposite of deja vu wherein something that happened once repeated but you don't recall seeing it.

Which one happens more frequently? Deja vu? Or jamais vu?

Find out on what others would say in this little documentary.

Warning: mentions of some curse words


What do you call a day that has scenes completely the same as the day before?

It's originally DEJA VU.

But to some, it's JAMAIS VU.

Completely similar to deja vu, jamais vu also seeing something you've seen before. But in this case, you don't recall seeing it. It's like having deja vu while having amnesia at the same time.

Person # 1 - Elsa Palmer

I always see deja vu, specially at school. My name is Elsa, and there's this guy named Tadashi and I really like him.

Everyday, at the cafeteria, I would try to gather up all the courage I have just to talk to him but whenever I get closer to him I get all nervous and lose all the courage I had. Everyday, that's what happens. And I don't think he ever remembers that. Jamais vu.

I don't really know if someone looks at me when I walk over to him (actually there is someone bound to look at me when doing that, come on, who wouldn't look at the foolish girl who fails by just reaching their table?) but Anna always insist me there isn't anybody looking because all of them are "minding their own business".

But I highly doubt that theory, I bet someone already videotaped it by now and posted it on YouTube.

Person # 2 - Rapunzel Moore

I would probably say I experience jamais vu more than deja vu. Why if you may ask? Well, I'm one of those people who is too busy looking at my phone than rather paying attention to my surroundings.

Good thing I have my best friend Eugene to tell me whatever happens around us. When I ask it would always be like; "Eh, the usual. People flirting, eating and the dude who slipped before while waiting in line slipped again. Fat dude stole fry man's Burger and you know the rest."

So I guess you could say I experience jamais vu more than deja vu. The only time I get deja vu is when Mrs. Adela gives a surprise quiz then fail instantly without even trying.

Person # 3 - Aiko Weissman a.k.a. Honey Lemon

I would say I experience both at a percentage of fifty fifty. Like every other people I see it at the cafeteria.

My main reason is that I only focus on one thing at a time,for example, when I'm at the table with the science club I pay attention to their stories, when with my friends I pay attention to them, and when I'm by myself I have full attention on my phone so I don't always catch the usual things at the same time.

But the reason why I know what happens all the time, even though I sometimes don't lay attention, is because of Tadashi. Everytime when we meet up at our place he would tell me what I missed. Specially funny moments when I'm not around to catch them.

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