The Hilarious Egg [ jelsa ]

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Short description: (Jack and Elsa)

A missing puzzle piece from the book "The New Girl".


"Look look I made an egg." Little Jack said showing an egg shaped mud. Little Elsa just laughed and got the "egg" from little Jack's hand carefully so it wouldn't break.

She then carefully placed the egg shaped mud on the castle wall they built out of sand.

Little Jack started laughing. "What's so funny?" Elsa asked. Jack just kept on laughing before he eventually got tired of laughing then started to talk.

"He reminds me of humpty dumpty." He said. Elsa looked at him confused.

"What's so funny about humpty dumpty?" Elsa stared at the "egg".

"Cause he fell off the wall." Jack started laughing again. Still Elsa could not get his point on why it was funny.

"But he got badly injured after the fall, what's funny about that?" Elsa asked.

Jack never really thought of it that way, he never actually understood the whole nursery rhyme because whenever the part "humpty dumpty had a great fall" would come up, he would crack up, interrupting whoever was saying it.

"Well, you know. He's stupid for going up the wall, he knew he was gonna fall." Jack said. Elsa raised her eyebrow once more.

"Like this." He slightly pushed off the one Elsa put on the wall; it broke in the impact to the ground. Jack stared at it then said, "Whoops."

"Awe, I worked so hard to make it look perfect." Jack said pouting.

He was so busy pitying himself for destroying his work he never noticed the person with him was laughing already because of the facial expression he made.

"What's so funny?" He asked when he finally noticed Elsa's laugh.

Elsa shook her head saying no but not really stopping to laugh. Jack's eyebrows furrowed.

"It's just that I finally get your joke." Elsa lied as she laughed more because of the new facial expression Jack just showed.

"Right? I told you it was funny!" He smiled widely. Elsa just laughed more.

Before continuing on a new part of the castle, the two worked on shaping a new egg shaped mud and put it on the castle walls, making sure it won't fall like the last one.

And after that, the two grew fond of the character from a famous nursery rhyme.


The next day, Jack decided to mold the character to modeling clay so it wouldn't break that easily.

But unfortunately he forgot to bring it on his way to the playground.

So he kept it on a small box so it wouldn't be seen and be ruined.

And up to the day he got adopted, he still kept it in the box. Over those years he grew scared of the small egg shaped clay would be rejected by his dear friend.

But what he didn't know, is that the girl he believes he likes isn't really who he liked in the first place. He liked Elsa, the girl he played with for an entire day.

But he thought Elsa was her twin sister, since he was just a little kid he couldn't really see the difference. And he only saw Elsa once. But on that day they played as little kids, Jack developed a small crush on Elsa.

"Hey give that back you bunny rabbit!" Jack struggled reaching for the clay he had for years, it was already moldy but he still kept it.

"What's the deal with you and this stupid clay? Does it even have a shape?" Aster asked.

"It's not stupid. And yes it has a shape, that's Humpty Dumpty." Jack argued. He finally snatches it back.

And after that, Aster would make fun of him by calling him Humpty Dumpty. And since Aster liked pissing him off, he kept "Humpty Dumpty" as a nickname for Jack.


"Oh look hun, a Teddy bear." Elsa's mother pointed, but her eyes were stuck on the keychain that resembled the "hilarious" egg she used to really like before. But that was only when she was young.

"How much for this?" Elsa asked grabbing the key chain.

"Ohh, you can have it miss, since you and your mom has brought so much from my store, keep it as a gift." The lady smiled. Elsa thanked the lady and pocketed the small accessory.

And that was the day that Elsa started her small collection of key chains that looked like the character "Humpty Dumpty".

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