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"well, what exactly do you want to know?"

"just like the basic stuff, age, sexuality."

"okay. i'm 27, and i'm gay."

"wait, you're gay?" jenna asks shocked.

"yes." now here comes the homophobic slurs.

"i never would have expected someone like you to be gay."

"hang on, you're not going to bash me out for being gay?"

"no, not at all. there's nothing wrong with you being gay. you deserve to be able to love who you love. it's totally fine with me. you didn't think I would actually be disgusted with you or something, did you?"

"I actually kind of did. i've had quite a few people in my life actually stop talking to me, or even forgot i even existed when I came out to them."

"you never have to worry about that from tyler and i. tyler will have absolutely no problem with you being gay, he supports LGBT+ rights."


i've practically almost torn this room apart looking for those forms tyler needs.

and it doesn't help that one of the new male employees has been staring at me nonstop since he's first seen me.

i mean don't get me wrong, he's good looking, but he isn't exactly my type.

there they are! finally.

picking up the forms i make my way out of the room and back to tyler's office, right as i bump into someone.

i almost fall and drop the forms, but the person who i bumped into catches me.

"i'm sorry, i really need to watch where i'm going when i'm in a rush." i apologize.

"it's alright." they say.

i look up at the person, and to my luck, it's the new guy who's been staring at me.

"josh, right?"

"yes, and you're?"


"well it was nice meeting you dustin, but i have somewhere to be." i try to go around him, but he stops me.

"woah, slow down there tiger." i sigh and look at him again.

"how about we go someplace after hours, ya know. just the two of us." he whispers the last part in my ear.

"look dustin, even if i did have any interest in you, co-workers aren't supposed to date, and i have a very tight schedule after hours. my hours never end, so if you'll excuse me i have to go to mr. joseph's office."

i push past him and sprint to tyler's office. because of dustin, i'm even more late with the forms.


"what's you do josh, go to the actually printing company to get the forms?" tyler grabbed the forms out of my hand.

"sorry sir, i bumped into dustin on the hall."

"oh so you've met dustin?"

"yes i have, and i wish i didn't."

"and why is that?" tyler looks up from the form.

"oh no reason, sir."

he nods and i walk out of his office.

The Married Man | joshler Where stories live. Discover now