[thirty eight]

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i wake up to sun peeking through the curtains, and bouncing off the walls. by my side is the man that i love, his head on by my neck, my arms wrapped around him keeping him by my side. josh is a cute napper. i feel energized just looking at him.

i run my hands through his fading purple hair, almost lilac. i gave up everything for him, i don't regret anything, i love him more than anything.


"come back home with me." josh turns almost choking on his drink. "what?" he manages to get out while still having his mouth full of soda. "come back home with me. i don't want to have you all the way across the world. i only want you by my side."

"i-i can't go back. chris'll kill me." josh turns to look at me. "i won't let him. i love you too much to be putting you in any kind of danger."

"exactly tyler. if you love me let me go. if i go back, i'll be living in fear of the day that chris might just come find me and get rid of me. i already live in such little fear that he'll figure out where i am now, i don't want to jeopardize it more than i have to." josh picks up his things and makes his way to the door.

i rush over to the door and keep it shut, "josh please." he stops and kisses me and right as it started, it ends. "just remember i love you tyler."

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