[thirty six]

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week two, day seven, hour eleven

josh dun : perth.

tyler joseph : what?

josh dun : you wanted to know where i am, that's where i am.

tyler joseph : you're in australia?

josh dun : when i had to get away i went from england to australia.

tyler joseph : i'm coming.


week three, day one, hour six

i'm at some store trying to find these snacks that jordan like, and i have no clue if they're even sold here. while looking through the aisles someone taps me on the shoulder and i turn around and almost scream. 

"oh my god tyler!" he pulls me into a kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. he pulls away and instantly i miss the taste of him.

"how about we go somewhere, more quiet?"

The Married Man | joshler Where stories live. Discover now