Chapter 2...

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Slowly you awoke, to the sunlit bedroom around you. Grabbing your phone, you checked the time‘11:00 a.m. Saturday’. You slightly smiled at the fact it was the weekend, slowly you climbed out of bed and stretched your tired limbs. Looking around your room you didn’t know what to do first, get dressed, get on the computer or good down stairs for breakfast. You finally decided to get on the computer for a moment, but just as youre about to sit down in the computer chair you hear the slight sound of something smack against your house, confused, you slowly walk over to the window and see an old looking football on the ground, you look over a little bit and see Scotty running towards it. “Nice throw dad!” Scotty jokingly yelled to his dad “nice catch, you need to jump higher next time” Mr. McCreery laughed “Dad, thats not a litte higher, to catch a throw like that i would be jumping up as high as where (your name)’s bedroom window is” Scotty says picking up the ball and throwing it back to his dad. Mr McCreery catches it effortlessly, he stares at the ball in his hand for a second “so, you really like her?” “Dad, you can’t just talk about things like that right out in the open” Scotty said looking down at the ground “Do ya or don’t ya son, if you keep these feelings to yourself you’ll be too late one day” Mr. McCreery says as he throws the ball back to Scotty, Scotty catches it and just stares at it for a moment “honestly? I don’t know how i feel, now can we just go back to this” he asks throwing the ball back to his dad “sure son, go long!” he says getitng ready to throw the ball, Scotty runs back a couple of rides and gets ready to catch the ball. Closing your bedroom curtain, you take a step back from the window, confused about who they were talking about. “They can’t be talking about me, could they? No it’s not me, Scotty wouldnt like me like that.” you think to your self as you started to get ready for the day. After quickly getting dressed you ran out of your room, downstairs and out into the back yard, where you saw Scotty & Mike, his dad, still throwing the football. ” Hey (yourname)” Mike said, “hey!” you say walking up towards them, Scotty tossed the football back to his dad and then turned to you “hey” he said with a warm smile “you know what Scotty, my arm is starting to ache, how about you and (yourname) play for a little while” he said tossing the ball towards you, you quickly catch it in your arms and turned to scotty then smiled “alright lets see if you can beat me, yet” Scotty jokes as he takes a few steps back from you “oh i bet i can” you say jokingly as you start running towards Scotty like your gonna tackle him, he has his arms stretched out as he’s about to grab you but then you run past him and jump onto his backporch “TOUCHDOWN!” you yell with a laugh “not anymore” Scotty says picking you up and caring you over to your back porch “You’re cheating! You’re such a cheater Scotty” you say kicking him “No i’m just playing the game in a much smarter way” he says with a laugh “nope cheater! cheater! cheater!!” you say hooping off your back porch and walking around “quiet you!” he says as he jokingly tackles you to the ground. You two are sitting there laughing when a car pulled up out front between your two house “McCreery! you coming?” one of Scotty’s friends called from the car, Scotty looked to you and then to them and then back to you “oh man i forgot about them, i can canc-” he starts but you interrupt him “haha! no go, i have a busy day ahead of myself anyways” you lie “thanks (yourname)” he says hugging you tightly, letting go, and heading for the car, you watch him for one more second but then turn around and start heading for your house “(YOURNAME) WAIT!” Scotty yells from the car, you turn around and look at him, he smiles at you, then throws the football to you “great game, but i think you need a little a help on those touchdown dance moves of yours” he jokes “haha! very funny Scotty, just go!” you say with a laugh as you wave to them then turned around and headed into your house.

Throughout the rest of the day you lounged around, it may seem a bit weird, but yes you were waiting for Scotty to get back.

It was quarter to nine, and the sun was almost setting, you were halfway asleep on the couch, the house was pitch black and the only light was coming from the tv. Your mom, dad, and other siblings were out at grandmas house, but you decided to stay home. Just then the light from a car pulling into the driveway next door caught your attention, you got up out of your chair and went to the window. Outside, Scotty was just getting out of the car, he waved goodbye to his friends and was heading into his house. You sighed a little upset, hopiing that he was going to visit but he wasnt. Taking a seat in the chair once again, you let out a sigh and just paid attention to the tv.

Half an hour later, it was pitch black outside, you couldnt believe the day went by so fast, you got up off the couch and decided to go outback to stare up at the sky. As you stepped outside you saw a shadowed figure sitting there on the steps, without any idea of what you were doing you grabbed a random object off of the patio table, and slowly raised it above your head as you slowly walked over to the figure. The person looked up at you and when it saw what you were holding in your hand they quickly stood up “Woah, woah, it’s just me, Scotty” the deep voiced young man said, you slowly put down the object and took a closer look as you saw his light blue eyes in the moonlight and realized it really was Scotty. “Waht are you doing out here! you scared me half to death!” you said in a loud whisper “well i wanted to come talk to you,  but i didnt see any lights on in the house so i didnt know if you were home or not, so i just decided to wait here to see if anyone would come home” he said in a rush “oh. Well why did you wanna talk” you asked sitting down on the steps, he sat down by you “i’m not sure about this whole American idol idea anymore” he said shaking his head “what do you mean?” you asked “What about all of you guys, my friends, other family, you, youre all here and i would be way over there, i’d miss you all too much” he said looking at his hands “Scotty, this is your dream! You gotta go for this! God put this opportunity in front of you, you can’t just let it go! You gotta atleast try! please? We will be here waiting for you too get back, yes we will miss you, but we don’t want to hold you back from your dreams” you say with a smile, Scotty looked up at you and smiled “you’re right, thanks, looks like i’ll be going for american idol, but i’m doing this for fun, not to become the next American idol” he laughed “Well i don’t care what you say, but i believe that you’ll win it all!” you say with a smile, “you really think so?” he asked, you just nodded your head in reply. “You sure know how to make me smile” he said as he hugged you tightly, you hugged him tightly back “is that all you wanted to talk about?” you asked, Scotty sat there for a minute, thinking about something “..yeah, thats all” he said with a shrug “alright then” you say as you start to get up “where ya going?” he asked “uhh inside?” you question “why dont you stay out here with me for a bit” “but its cold” you say wimpishly, Scotty removed his jacket, stood up and then placed it on you “now will you stay out here with me?” he asked, “i guess” you say with a laugh, as you two as back down on the steps and just looked up at the night time sky

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now