Chapter 53...

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Pushing the door open, you stepped into the house, tears still streaming down your face. Your mom was sitting there on the couch, watching some life time movie, hearing the door shut behind you, she turned her gaze off the TV and looked at you. “honey, you should come watch this with me…” she began, but soon enough she saw the glisten of the tears upon your cheeks “honey whats wrong?” she asked getting up off the couch and walking towards you “nothing, it’s fine” you said taking a step away “honey, you need to stop not telling me things, it makes me feel like a horrible mother” she said slowly walking towards you. “i’m sorry mom, but it’s really nothing” you said crossing your arms and taking another step back “honey, i don’t mean to pry but for once can you just tell me something?” she asked “mom i love you, but this is just something i don’t want to talk about right now” you said in a stern tone as you turned around and ran upstairs, no matter how many times your mom called for you to stop and come back down, you just kept running till you reached your room.

And that’s where you’ve been since. It was now pitch black outside, as you just sat there on your bed looking out the window. The thought of you semi yelling at your mom, previously that day, ran through your head repeatedly “how could i act like that? especially around her?” you asked yourself, closing your eyes and leaning your head against the windowsill. “i gotta go apologize” you whispered, opening your eyes and climbing off your bed.

Opening your bedroom door, you walked out of your room and headed for the stairs, but the sound of soft music coming from your parents room changed your mind. Turning around, you quietly made your way down the hall, keeping your eyes on your parents bedroom door.

i hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, whenever one door closes i hope one more opens, promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance…” you heard coming from inside the room. Slowly you pushed open the door, she was laying there on her bed, eyes closed. “mom?” you asked stepping into the room, you watched as she opened her eyes, which were red from crying. A tear slowly welled over the lid of your eye and made its way down your cheek. “come here” she said patting the bed. You showed a small smile as you walked to the bed. Climbing onto it, you quickly crawled close to her, she wrapped her arms protectively around you, as she closed her eyes once again.

“mom?” you asked again, after a few minutes of silence. Once more she opened her eyes and looked at you “hmm?” she asked “i’m sorry” you whispered “it’s alright hun” she whispered “i really me it, i shouldnt have acted that way to you” you said more tears welling up in your eyes “aww honey, please don’t cry, it’s alright, i understand. I was a teenager once you know” she said giving you a smile “i know, but i still feel wrong for acting that way” you said once more “we all make mistakes” she said shrugging her shoulders slightly. The silence grew between you two then.

Taking a deep breath you looked at your mom “i want to tell you whats wrong now” you whispered “you sure?” she asked, you nodded, “alright go ahead” your mom said, sitting up more, putting her focus more on you. “alright, well you know that guy Ricky? the new kid from the city?” you asked her, she nodded her head. “well see a few weeks ago, i was watching Scotty playing baseball and Ricky came up to me and wouldn’t leave me alone, so then Scotty threw a baseball at him, and then Ricky left” you began, you took another deep breath as your mom waited for you too continue, “well then one day after school, when (sisters name) came to pick me up, Scotty and Ricky almost got into a fight, but Ricky was the one who started it and the principle stopped it” you said looking down at the moment, not wanting to see your moms expression, you then looked up again “then today, he came back to school and well he came to my locker and he was calling scotty different names and he was saying how scotty would forget about me and then he kissed my cheek, thats what wrong” you whispered, your mom softly rubbed your shoulder “oh honey, i’m sorry, i’ll go talk to the principle about it if ya want?” she asked “no it’s okay…” you trailed off “well have you told Scotty? about today?” she asked “no, the last time i talked to him was this morning” you said shrugging your shoulders “well hun, i think you should tell him” she said “but if i dont want him to mess up with this american idol experience” you whisper “honey, i know you don’t, but Scotty needs to know about this, so atleast think about telling him?” she asked, you nodded, “alright, now go, i have to do the laundry in a few minutes anyways” she said with a light laugh “alright” you said climbing off the bed and walking out of the room. “i love you” you whispered before closing the door “i love you too” she said with a smile, you smiled back and then shut the door.

Walking back into your room, you sat down on your bed and grabbed your phone. Twirling it in your fingers, you were trying to figure out if you should text Scotty or not “ugh! what am i going to do!” you groaned as you fell back against the sheets.

After what seemed like ages you finally decided to text Scotty. You brought up a new message and began typing

“Scotty? I know you may be busy but, theres something i need to tell you…”

After reading the message over and over again for a good five minutes, you pressed send.

Setting the phone next to your head, you starred at the screen, waiting. And soon enough you drifted off into a deep sleep.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now