Chapter 22...

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A couple of weeks had slowly passed by, and it was now the first Friday in September.

The school day had ended rather quickly and you were at your locker piling your books into it. Suddenly the sound of shouting echoed throughout the hallway, you looked to your left and saw a large group of guys walking down the hallway, theyre faces painted blue, and one holding a ‘Trojan’ flag high above his head. It was the blue crew, getting everyone rowdy and ready for the first home football game of the season. Looking back at your locker you grabbed your jacket out then swiftly shut the locker door, you turned around and leaned against it, waiting for the blue crew to pass by, then the blue crew broke apart and the football team came running out going full speed ahead. Then the blue crew quickly followed behind, one particular face in the mess of people caught your attention, it was Scotty, he carefully went ot he outside of the group, grabbed your arm and pulled you along. Looking up at him, you watched as he cheered along with the rest of the guys, he then saw you looking at him out of the corner of his eye, turned his head and smiled at you, you smiled back and then looked ahead of the people. Not being able to see where you guys were heading, since most of the people were taller than you, you just followed everyone else, cheering along with them. Moments later you were outside of the school, everyone broke apart then and went to go get ready for the game that night. “you ready to go?” scotty asked you “mhm” you said as he lead the way to the car. Getting into the truck, you buckled your seat belt and waited there, as Scotty was talking to some of his friends. Seconds later Scotty got into the truck and began backing out of the parking space. “nice face paint” you said softly touching the blue paint covering Scotty’s cheek ‘haha thanks, you should do this to your face too” he said looking at you quickly then looking back at the road “um no thanks im good” you laughed “oh come on, you gotta show some garner trojan spirit!” “i will by wearing blue!” you said with a smile “alright guess thats fair enough” he said then pulling into his driveway. “alright see you in a little while, Scotty” you said climbing out of the truck and heading for your front door “yeah see ya” you heard behind ya as you walked into your house, you then threw your bag on the chair in the living room then turned around and ran up the stairs to you room.

Two hours later you were finishing getting ready for the game, searching around your room for your trojans blue crew shirt, which you couldnt find anywhere. Softly you heard a knock on your door “come in” you said looking through your dresser for the 3rd time, the door to your room opened and you watched as Scotty stepped in “hey, how’d you get in?” you asked “oh your mom let me in” he said pointing behind his shoulder “oh alright” you said as you went back to searching through your dresser. Scotty slowly walked over towards your bed and sat down “waht are you looking for?” he asked “my blue crew shirt, i cant find it anywhere!” you said starting to get frustrated “well if ya want you could wear mine?” he asked pointing to his shirt “but what would you wear?” “i have more trojan shirts (yourname)” he laughed “oh alright” you said with a smile “alright i’ll be right back” he said getting off your bed and heading for the door “okay” you said as you watched Scotty walk out of your room and listened until you heard the front door close. Walking over  to your bed, you took a seat on it and waited for Scotty to get back. Turning your stare out the window, you watched as you saw Scotty walk into his bedroom, he disappeared for a second and then came back, with one shirt in hand, he set that one on his bed then began to remove his other one, you quickly looked away not wanting him to see you, then once you looked back he was gone out of his room. Looking down towards the ground you saw Scotty walk out of his back porch and head towards your house.

Moments later, you heard the front door open and then heard the sound of feet running of the stairs. Standing up you went over to your bedroom door and opened it, you watched as Scotty walked down the hallway towards your room “here, it may a little big though” he said with a smile as he handed you the t-shirt “thats alright, thanks” you said taking it “alright i’ll be downstairs waiting” he said with a smile “okay see ya in a few” you said closing the door as he walked away. Walking into the center of your room, you fumbled with the shirt in your hands, you then pulled it over your head and pulled it down until it reached down past your hips, an unfamiliar smell over power you then, it was Scotty’s cologne, you lifted the shirt up and brought it to your nose and took a deep breath in, you then let it fall and smiled as you walked out of your room and headed downstairs. Scotty was sitting there talking to your mom, hearing you come closer, Scotty then turned his head slightly and saw you, he smiled at you and stood up “ready?” he asked “yeah, later mom” you said hugging her and then you and Scotty left the house and headed to the game.

Pulling into the school parking lot, you and Scotty both got out of the truck and headed for the field, you paid and then walked over to the blue crew section in the bleachers. Following Scotty up, he took his rightful place up at the front and you stood right next to him. Minutes later the game started, everyone in the bleachers screamed/yelled letting the trojans know that there here to support them.

Three minutes into the game the Trojans had already got their first touch down, Scotty was yelling as loud as he possibly could, once he calmed down a bit you laughed at him “what?” he asked “you and your sports! I bet if you ever made an album in the future you would have one song with atleast having a few lyrics dealing with baseball or football” you laughed “well that’d be a dagum good song” he said sending you a half smile, you looked away realizing that you were blushing. Scotty just went back to watching the game.

Paying attention to the field you watched as the guys were getting tackled, and before you knew it, it was already half time “wanna go get something to eat?” Scotty asked you “sure” you said with a smile appearing quickly on your face, Scotty led the way off the bleachers and you were following right behind. Soon you had to run to keep up with Scotty & his friends, who knew boys were so desperate for food that they ran, and soon you were standing in line with Scotty “so what do you want?” Scotty asked looking back at you “i think i can order myself” you said with a smile “well i’m paying for you so it’d be easier if i ordered” he said smiling back “i got my own money Scotty” “too bad im paying, now what do you want?” “fine, well what do you think i want?” “let me guess, candy?” he asked raising his eyebrows quickly, you just nodded your head, Scotty laughed and turned around. Once you guys reached the concession stand, scotty began to order “alright can i get two hot dogs and a pack of skittles and starburst?” Scotty asked, the woman nodded and then went to get your food “you know me so well” you laughed “well of course i do, i see you eat those practically everyday” “hey! i dont eat candy everyday!” “yeah you do” he laughed, you just crossed your arms and waited for the woman to come back with your food, once you did you grabbed your candy and waited for Scotty to pay, as he handed the woman the money you began to walk back knowing Scotty would catch up instantly.

An hour later it was the final quarter of the game, Trojans were ahead with 37-15, it was the final play of the game and the blue crew were all on there toes waiting, Scotty was standing on the medal railing of the bleachers and you were just standing there, Scotty then looked to you and held out his hand, you took it and he pulled you up on the medal railing along side him “Scotty i am gonna fall” you said nervous as you looked down at the ground “no you wont, i got you!” he said safely placing his arm around you “and if that doesnt help you got guys behind you that will catch you” he laughed, you rolled your eyes and watched the players on the field. It was the final play of the game and the trojans got into position, there was no way the other team could catch up, but the trojans still wanted to score another touchdown, you watched as the wide-receiver caught the ball from the quarter back,  he then was running backwards trying to get as far away from the opposing team but also tried to make sur he could get a clear good shot, he then through the ball to the qaurterback, the quarterback ran as fast as he could and caught the ball and began to run, the opposing team was right on his feet but swiftly the receiver made his way down the field and scored. The Blue Crew and everyone else in the stands blew up, cheers of joy struck throughout everyone. Scotty hopped off the railing and helped you down, he then ran off the bleachers and grabbed a flag that one of the cheerleaders were holding he began waving it around as he ran up and down the track, you couldnt help but laugh at this. After everyone finished celebrating they all began to leave, you met up with Scotty down on the track and he walked you to his truck, you got in and soon left the game.

After getting something to eat, Scotty finally drove you home, he pulled into his driveway and you guys hugged goodbye, you smiled at him and then headed into your house. Just then your phone rang in your pocket, you pulled it out as you headed up the stairs “hello?” you asked holding the phone up to your ear “meet you out back in twenty minutes?” Scotty asked “what for?” you asked confused “what do we after every home football game?” he asked you “oh, alright see ya then” you said with a smile as you hung up the phone, and walked into your room and fell on your bed, relaxing for a minute.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now