Chapter 36...

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Every house on the street that night was dark, it seemed as if everyone was asleep except for you. But yet, the usually quiet street, wasn’t so quiet as car after car after car sped past. Sitting there in bed you were starring out the window, looking at the street below “15…16…” you whispered to yourself as each car drove by. A light from down below then had caught your attention, looking slightly to your right, you saw the  McCreery’ truck light turn on, as Mr. and Mrs. McCreery got into the truck. Confused as to why they were up this late, you sat up even further in bed to see what was going on. The door to your room then opened suddenly “honey, come on we gotta get going!” your mother called to you as she looked in for a moment then ran down the hall. “what’s going on” you whispered as you took a glance at the clock ‘10:45’. It was only just half an hour ago that you went to go to bed, and you had yet to sleep because all you could think about was the five words Scotty had said to you at the table, “I’m espicially thankful for you” thats what was running through your head this whole time, and your mother is now waking you up? Not wanting to wait to see what was going on, you climbed out of bed, pulled a sweatshirt on over your head, sweatpants over your shorts, grabbed your sneakers and cellphone and ran out of the room.

Downstairs your mom and dad were running around the house quietly collecting things, like pieces of paper, wallets, shoes. “come on sweetheart” your mom called to you as she ran out of the house, quickly you followed after her and got into the car. Looking over to your right, you saw that the McCreery’s had already left. By this point you were beyond confused as you threw your shoes on. And soon enough your dad was in the car and you guys were pulling out of the driveway, and speeding down the street.

“what’s going on?” you asked breaking the silence, your mom turned around to look at you “honey, its almost friday..” she said trailing off “yeah, and?” you asked still not getting it “it’s black friday” she said. Those three words hit you then “oh!” you said feeling completely stupid. The cars speeding down the street were going to the stores, the McCreery’s were going to the stores, your family was going to the stores, everything made sense now. “are the McCCreery’s going shopping?” you asked “yes, theyre trying to save us a parking space” your mother said as she began going through her purse. You just nodded your head and sat back in your seat.

Ten minutes later, you guys pulled into the Mall parking lot. “she said their over that way” your mom said to your dad. She was on the phone with Mrs. McCreery, trying to figure out where they had parked and giving dad the directions.

“There they are” you heard your mom say, looking out the windshield, you saw the McCreery’s truck come into view, with Judy and Mike leaning against it, and Scotty standing in the parking space next to them. He began to move out of the way as he saw you guys pulling in. Quickly you slipped on your shoes, as your dad turned off the engine and got out of the car. “nice way to say a spot, Scotty” you heard your dad say, Scotty just smiled and shrugged a bit, then he began to look around, as if he was searching for something “looking for (your name)?” your dad asked him, Scotty looked at him and tried playing it cool. You knew it was now time for you to get out. Opening the door you stepped out into the cold weather, the wind blew your hair in all different directions as you shut the door behind yourself, and walked over to everyone. Scotty was looking at you with a smile on his face “what?” you asked, smiling back “nothing” Scotty said as he turned around and began to walk to the doors with his parents. Out of the corner of your eye you could see your mom looking at you “what?” you asked “nothing” she said, placing her arm around your shoulders and pulling you along.

As you reached the line to get into the mall, you looked to see how long it was. Groaning slightly, you followed your mom who was heading to the end of the line, which was already halfway through the parking lot now. The doors werent gonna open for about a good two more hours, and even when they would hope you would have to bare with the shoving and pushing of the other people around you. Once you guys reached the end of the line, you sat right down on the ground and began your wait. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you began to look through it, trying to see if there was anything that could entertain you. Someone took a seat next to you then, turning your head you realized it was Scotty, you then turn back to look at your phone “i so kicked your butt at football today” you said “oh really?” he questioned “yeah, didn’t you see the way i tackled you?” you asked looking from your phone to him “i let you tackle me” he said “no you didn’t, nope i tackled you, youre a weakling” you said laughing at him “oh i am now?” he asked as he began to slightly tickled you, making you unable to control your laughter “stop it!” you laughed trying to push him away “not till you say im a strong buff man” he said laughing along with you “no way!” you said as he continued to tickle you “say it!” he said tickling you even more. “OKAY! okay! you’re a strong buff man” you said, he stopped tickling you then “i know i am” he said lifting his arms up, as if to show off his muscles “you wish” you mumbled quietly to yourself “what was that?” he asked putting his arms back down “oh nothing” you said lightly tapping his nose with your finger, Scotty grabbed your hand before you could pull it away. He held it there in his and smiled at you. You two were sitting there on the ground smiling at each other, and it felt like no one was there, then Scotty began to slowly inch closer to you, your lips were going to touch any second now. In a way you didn’t want this to happen now, but you had no clue why, maybe it wasn’t the right time, you questioned yourself. You were sitting there contemplating whether you should let him kiss you or not ‘Let him, you’ve been waiting so long for this!!!!’ your mind screamed at you, and soon enough you began to lean in yourself. “(yourname), Scotty! Get up the doors are gunna open” your mother yelled interrupting the kiss, you bothed looked up at your mom and then stood up, you didn’t even wanna look at Scotty, you felt so weird. ‘was i really just about to kiss my best friend?’ you thought, looking out of the corner of your eye, Scotty was just standing there with a smile on his face, you knew he wouldn’t tell you what he was thinking about, so you just let it go. “come here you two, we need to tell y’all the plan” judy said, Scotty walked ahead of you and pulled you over, thats when you realized he was still holding your hand, you didn’t want to let go but it was the right thing to do, slowly you pulled your hand away. Scotty looked at you, then down to your hands, then looked back to his mom. Getting closer to the two of them, you began to listen to the plan “alright, so (insert your dads name) and Mike you two will go to FYE, you guys will get these” she said handing Mike a piece of paper “Scotty and (yourname) you guys will go to Sears, we need you to get this kind of tv” she said handing you a piece of paper with writing on it “and just stay there with it, sit on it if you have to” she said smiling at you, you nodded your head and tucked the piece of paper in your pocket. “and me and your mom will be going to JCPenny’s, we will be around to get all of you” she said smiling at you all. Then you all turned back around and faced the doors, and once again Scotty grabbed your hand, you tried pulling it away again, but he wouldnt let you “what are you doing?” you asked “i’m the faster runner, i can’t have you falling behind on me” he said while winking at you, you nodded your head and got ready to run.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now