Chapter 52...

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The next few days had passed, same routine every day, mom takes you to school, blue crew waiting outside, eat lunch with them, and James gives you a ride home. Nothing new.

“Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re alright But that won’t keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night That don’t impress me much Okay, so what do you think you’re Elvis or something...” you slowly woke up to the music coming through your alarm clock speakers. Sitting up in bed you rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up a bit more, leaning on your right side, you clicked your alarm clock off, the music faded and your room became silent. “they sure are playing oldies” you mumbled to yourself as you pushed the covers away from your body, a shiver ran through you as the cold air surrounding your room hit your bare skin.

Picking up your phone, you pressed the home button, causing the screen to come to life ‘New message from Scotty :)” your screen read, you smiled and opened the message.

‘You’re probably sleeping right now, but just wanted to say, I miss you & my boys better be watching out for ya there!”

You laughed slightly and then began typing.

well you’re probably the one sleeping now, but miss you too! and don’t worry they are! (:’

Then after pressing the send button, you set your phone back down and began to get ready.

“Honey, some boy is here for you!” you heard your mom yell from downstairs, slipping on Scotty’s sweatshirt you yelled back to her “okay! be down in a minute”, then you grabbed your phone and shoved it in your pocket and ran out of the room.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, you looked over the banister and found your mom at the front door, talking to someone, you waited and watched as moments later she shut the door. Running down the stairs you watched your mom as she headed for the kitchen, “mom who’s here?” you asked once you reached the bottom of the stairs “oh what’s his name?” your mother said tapping her foot against the ground, you stood there and waited “oh James, that’s his name, he came over and said he could give you a ride to school today” she said with a smile “oh really?” you asked “yeah he’s outside waiting for you” she said turning around and heading back towards the kitchen “alright, bye” you said grabbing your back pack off the couch “love you” she called “love you too” you yelled back as you opened the front door and stepped outside into the recently warmer weather. Instantly you spotted James’ car sitting out there along side the curb. A little confused as to why he was there, you just walked down your porch and walked over to his car. Opening the door you peered in “what are you doing here?” you asked “didn’t your mom tell you i offered to give you a ride today?” he asked “well yes but” you began “well get in” he said smiling at you. “what is up with these boys these days?” you mumbled to yourself “what was that?” he asked “oh i was just asking why you wanted to give me a ride today?” you asked buckling your seat belt “oh, i dont know i just thought i’d be nice i guess” he shrugged as he pulled away from the curb “oh” was all you could say. The conversation died down then as you guys made your way to school.

Pulling into the parking lot, James’ drove around until he found the closest parking lot towards the school. As soon as he put the car in park, you unbuckled your seat belt and got out of the car, making your way towards the building. James’ was beginning to bug you and you just wanted to get away from him. “wait up!” he called behind you, you slowed to a stop and waited for him to catch up, soon enough he was next to you and you both were walking for the doors. The members of the blue crew were standing out there waiting for you and of course they were starring at you both in confusion “what?” you asked reaching them all, most of them said nothing and others just awkwardly turned around. “today is not gonna be a good one” you whispered as you entered the school.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now