Chapter 18...

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Pulling into the driveway, your dad turned off the engine. Unbuckling your seat belt, you got out of the car and took the house keys from your mom. Walking as fast as you could, not trying to make yourself look suspicous, you walked up to the front door and unlocked it. Walking through the front door you turned the living room light on, and set the keys on the coffee table. Then you turned back around and ran up the stairs and into your room. Standing there in the middle of your room, you looked around trying to find something to do, but there was nothing that could keep you occupied. Sitting down on your bed you sat there, waiting, waiting for something to happen, for Scotty to get home, for your friend to text you, you just waited. Suddenly your phone, in your pocket, began to ring. Fumbling with your pocket, you finally got your phone on and opened it, your heart started pounding as you realized it was your friend. You were finally going to find out what she wanted to tell you at the party, you opened the message and began to read “Are you ready for me to tell you?” was all it read, “yes, please!” you replied, you pressed send, and waited. It felt like hours, before she finally replied but when she did you began to shake, you had no clue why, but you were positive it was something dealing with Scotty.

Scotty’s P.O.V

Standing up with you, Scotty gave you a warm hug. He watched as you walked around and gave everyone else a hug. Then as you reached your last friend, you whispered something to her. Scotty was nervous, he wasn’t sure why, but his palms were slightly shaking. Walking away from everyone, you waved, and then caught up with your sister as you guys were leaving to go home. Sitting down on the ground Scotty began running his fingers through his hair, your best friend walked over to him, she sat down by him & smiled. “Whats wrong, McCreery?” she asked “you’re going to tell her, arent ya?” he asked keeping his eyes on the fire “what do you think?’ “i’m guessing thats a yes” Scotty said looking up at her “sure is, just think it could help somehow” she said with a smile “I don’t think it will” he said worriedly “oh i’m sure it will, see ya later scotty” she said getting up and getting away. Scotty ran his fingers through his hair once more, “she’s gonna tell her, isn’t she?” one of Scotty’s friends asked, Scotty just nodded his head, “oh, good luck man” he said patting Scotty’s back “dagum” was all Scotty could say, as he got up from the log and walked over to find his parents.

Your P.O.V

Opening the message you took a deep breath and began to read.

Okay so here’s what happened, i got to the bonfire and no one was really there, except for Scotty and his friends, so i went up to go talk to them, but then i saw they were talking to these girls that i have never seen before. And one looked like she was being all flirty and stuff with Scotty & well i wanted to know what was going on, so i kinda in a way climbed one of the trees above them, stupid idea, anyway she was talking to the boys, mostly scotty, and saying how cute he was, and scotty of course was being nice and was thanking her, and then she went and asked if he was dating anyone, and then scotty of course said no, and she was like oh well then if ya dont, but then one of his friends cut in and was like but there is a girl he has his eyes set on, and the girl looked at him confused and then looked back at scotty and she was like who, and Scotty was all like a girl, you dont know her, and then the girl was like well you can atleast tell me her name and she was batting her eyes and such and then scotty was like well i could do that, but i dont want to and the girl was getting mad, and she wouldnt leave until she figured out the name and then one of his friends said her name is (your name) and the girl looked at scotty and was like is it and then scotty was just standing there smiling and such and she crossed her arms and asked him again if it was you and he was like possibly, but thats the only answer im gonna give y’all, and then the girls just stormed off. AND THEN Scotty looked at one of his friends and was like man why would you just say her name like that, (your name) could already be here! and his friends just laughed and the other one was like, well i dont see her anywhere so no need to worry. & thats when i was trying to climb back down the tree and ended up falling, and Scotty and them all seen me and Scotty started freaking out a bit knowin i was going to tell you, so there ya go! now i got to go, buh bye (:”

Slowly a smiled crossed your face as you closed your phone. The sound of a vehicle pulling in the drive way, made you look out your window, you watched as the McCreery’s got out of their car and began to head on inside, but as Scotty was walking for the door he looked up at your window. As fast as you could, you looked away hoping he didnt see you watching himSeconds later, you looked back out the window and didn’t see Scotty out there, then you turned your gaze towards his bedroom window & watched as he flicked on the light and walked right over to the window, he looked at you and then opened his window. He gestured for you to open yours and you did. “what?” he asked “meet me out back, alright?” he asked, you nodded and closed your window. Then got up off your bed and walked out of your room.

A minute later you were outside waiting for Scotty, he came out of his back door and looked at you “hey” you said looking at him, as he walked down his back porch stairs “hi” he said “so why did you want me to come out here?” “umm, did (your best friends name) tell you anything tonight” he asked, “nope, why?” you lied nevermind” he said shoving his hands in his jean pockets “is that all you wanted?” you asked “yea i guess so” he said, looking down at the ground “alright well i’ll see ya later then” you said backing up and heading for your house “yeah see ya” he said just standing there. Walking up the porch stairs, you looked back at Scotty as he called your name, “yeah?” you asked “are you sure she didnt say anything?” he asked “well maybe she said something, but we’ll talk about that some other time, night Scotty” you said with a smile as you walked across your porch towards the door, “night (your name)” Scotty said picking up the baseball that was laying there on the ground. Closing your door behind you, you looked out the window and watched as Scotty began throwing the ball at the fence. You smiled and then headed for your room.

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