Chapter 84...

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May 15th, 2011

“you’re joking!” James yelled, as grape soda spewed out of his mouth, “eww! James!” Clara, yelled pushing him away from her, once the grape soda had hit her leg “i’m sorry, babe” he said, wrapping his arm back around her and kissing her cheek, making it hard for her to be mad at him.

“i’m not joking at all, brotha, I just face planted in front of everyone!” Scotty said, showing his exaggerated expression once more, from across the fire. Laughing quietly, and shaking your head slowly, you looked down towards the ground and picked up a small stick. Scotty continued his stories from idol, as you began to draw in the dirt.

Minutes later, you realized it was all quiet around you, slowly you looked up and saw that everyone was starring at you, including Scotty, who was sitting on the log next to you. “are you okay?” he asked, leaning in closer to you, you began to softly blush, “yeah i’m fine” you said, smiling at him, he smiled too, causing the light from the bonfire to beam off his teeth.

“well i’ll go and get stuff to make s’mores” Chris said, standing up and walking towards his house “GET A LOT, (yourname) CAN EAT THOSE UNTIL SHE BURSTS” Scotty yelled after him “Scotty!” you shrieked, smacking him, causing him to fall off the log.

Your eyes widened, as you covered your mouth, afraid you hurt him. But once his deep laugh reached you a relieved look crossed your face, as you held your hand out to help him. He grabbed on tight, and just as you were about to yank him up, he pulled you down.

Laughing so hard that your face was red, you looked at Scotty, who was just smiling at you. “ha ha, very funny McCreery” you said propping yourself up on your elbow. Next thing your know he’s sitting on the ground, Indian style, while you’re trapped in his arms, squirming to get free. “gotcha” he whispered in your ear. 

“well, we’re just gonna leave you two alone” Kyle said, standing up and motioning for the others to follow. “no wait come back!” you said, still trying to get out of Scotty’s grip, but everyone just ignored you, as they made their way to the house.

Hearing the back door shut, you finally gave up, and went limp in Scotty’s arms, he just quietly laughed. “once i’m free, you’re in big trouble, you know that right?” you asked, looking towards him “hmm, i guessed i would be” he said, laughing once more.

“tell me something” he whispered after a few minutes “hmm?” you asked, “what are you thinking about?” he asked, loosening his grip slightly. It took you a moment, but then you pulled yourself away from him and turned around to face him “about missing you” you simply said “it’ll only be a few weeks, (yourname), you’ve already made it through almost four months, you can handle this” he said, another smiling slowly appearing on his lips “i know, but, it get’s harder each time” you shrugged.

He stood up, and rubbed the back of his neck as he held his hand out towards you. You took it, and he pulled you up quickly into a hug.

“SCOTTY! (YOURNAME) YOUR PARENTS ARE HERE!” Chris called from the deck. Scotty pulled away from you “looks like its time to go” he said, having two different meanings behind it, “i guess so” you whispered. He smiled softly, in hopes to cheer you up, then he took your hand in his and lead you to your parents cars.


May 19th, 2011

“dim the lights, here we go America” Ryan began, as Lauren, Haley and Scotty stood there, on the stage side by side.

You sat there in the gym having a death grip on Kyle’s hand, leaving future bruises, as you were nervous for the results.

“After ninety-five million votes, the biggest number at this point in any season, the first person with a shot at the title is” he said, pausing for dramatic affect. “Scotty McCreery!” he said.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant