Chapter 10...

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“Wake up” you softly heard as someone lightly shook you, you opened your eyes and looked up seeing a pair of blue eyes looking back at you. “hmm?” you asked rubbing your eyes, “its time to get up were leaving soon” a deep voice said, you opened your eyes wider and focused more, realizing it was Scotty “oh, alright” you said getting up off the couch. Walking up the stairs you took your time, knowing that you don’t do your best when your half asleep. Reaching the top of the stairs you stretched your body, releases stress from your muscles and bones, then you walked to your guest room in the vacation house. Remembering what happened last night, you stayed as far away from the window as you walked to the bed and grabbed your luggage off of it and hung it around your shoulder, you looked around as you walked out the door, shutting it behind you. Walking down stairs you found your mom and dad packing away some things of theirs “hey sweetie you alright?” your mom asked “yeah im fine, wheres the mccreerys?” you asked “oh they are already out there waiting for us, why dont you head on out?” “alright” you saying walking out the front door and finding Scotty sitting there on the steps, you walked past him and headed for the car “hey wait up” you heard from behind you, you turned around and saw Scotty standing there “yeah?” you asked “wanna ride with me in the bed of my families truck?” he asked “umm sure, but im not sure if my parents will let me” “oh im good at persuading!” he said with a smile “alright there they are, go talk to them” you said, scotty nodded his head and then turned around and headed over towards your parents. You then turned around and headed back for your family car and placed your bag in the back seat. Suddenly you felt someones arms around your waist, they lifted you up and started to run with you in their arms “Scotty what are you doing!” you yelled knowing that it was him, he set you down a second later, you turned around and glared at him “what did i say about no picking me up?” you asked “oops, must of slipped my mind” he said, you turned around and started to head back to your family car “wait where are you going, thought you were riding with me?” he asked “my parents said it was okay?” “yeah, told you im good” he said as he winked at you, you just laughed and got into the bed of the truck, he followed you in and sat next to you.

Half an hour later you were on your way back home, driving on the highway. Scotty & you were laying in the bed of the truck, so you guys didnt get caught by the police. Laying there you guys were just talking about pretty much anything, like you always do and listening to country music off of Scotty’s ipod. “Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low…” Scotty sang in the deepest voice he could possibly do “HAHAHA!” you couldnt help but laugh “okay let me try!” you say “Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low…” you say trying to do a deep voice, but it doesnt work out that well “man! you cant even reach my level of deepness” he laughed “hey cut me some slack its not my fault i have girly voice” you laughed “well its not a bad thing, i think its cute” “of course you would, you think anything is cute” you said lightly shoving him. Suddenly Mr. McCreery made a quick turn “woah!” you said rolling into Scotty “oops sorry” you say “its alright” he said just putting his arm around you and leaving it there, you just smiled at this as you two just sat there in silence listening to the music.

Two hours later Mr. McCreery pulled into the McCreery’s driveway. Scotty got up and climbed out of the bed of the truck, he then helped you up. “Thanks” you said and then turned just as your parents pulled into your driveway. Walking over to them, your dad got out and handed you your bag, he then went towards the house and opened the back door. Walking towards the house, “honey wait” you heard your mom yell, you turned around and she threw something towards you, you dropped your bag and caught it, realizing it was your phone “thanks?” you questioned wondering why she had it “you left it at home before you went to school, so i just put it in my purse but forgot to give it to you” she said “oh, alright thanks” you said picking your bag up and running through the house to your room. As soon as you entered the room, you threw your bag into the corner and jumped on your bed. Opening your cell phone you began going through the text messages “hey where are you?” “are you sick?” “why’d you leave school?” “OH MY GOD!!!!” “GIRL YOU NEED TO ANSWER ME I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!!!” “It’s involves Scotty ;)” “come on girl you need to hear this! it’s something Scotty’s friends were talking about ;D” “well you better get back to me soon!” they were all from your best friend and they were spread out through the weel, you quickly texted her back

you- “no i wasnt sick on went I vacation with scotty’s family, and what did you hear?”

friend- “i cant tell you now :(“

you- “why not?”

friend- “they asked me not too..”

you- “who?”

friend- “Scotty’s friends”

you- “why?”

friend- “well i was talking to them after school and i accidentally brought up, and they told me not to tell”

you- “come on! im your best friend you gotta tell me!”

friend- “can’t but trust me, it’s worth the wait ;) promise!”

you- “fine, gtg bye. :P”

Setting your phone on the nightstand then, you got up off your bed and heading out of your room and down stairs. Walking out back you saw the sun setting, you took a seat on your porch and just started wondering what Scotty’s friends could be talking about….

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryWhere stories live. Discover now